I’m sorry, we’ll get security tightened as soon as possible.
I’m sorry, we’ll get security tightened as soon as possible.
Fine, we also can’t wait the day you whiners shut the fuck up too. But hell will freeze before that happens so it is better to ignore you it seems, you should do the same if you don’t have a mental condition that makes that inpossible.
Wow did we lost some stereotypes from the warehouse? Because I have a jaded “get off my lawn”and “I hate popular things in my hobby” mix here.
That’s just the way humanity works, tribalism is still one of our basic instinct as a social animal. So the best we can do is take this all as a joke for our mental health.
A better answer would be that instead of cheating, there should be people (the ones that want to help) who organize what someone here said, a bus tour or something on that vein where you take as many handicapped people around the city/town/whatever to catch them.
Sorry, the game was made in mind with people getting their asses outside and going places. Any fix for this is in the hands of people who want to help the ones with disabilities like the guy in these comments which is organizing a bus for people who can’t walk and tour them.
Either that or stop consumimg altogether, your market (one of the biggest there are) is screwing my country big time.
As someone who bitched about not being on Vita I say: FUCK YES!
Would be a nice gesture but they are not forced to do so. Anyway tragic thing about this girl, her brother will always live with the question of “Could I avoided it?”
I’d guess most would find it wierd to say the least because women are in general more sexually repressed than men. Also homosexuality in men is looked upon as worse than lesbianism so there is that.
No he can’t, by now anyone who doesn’t recognize him as a usual troll on this site is either new or completely oblivious.
You are already rocking the beard, if you go all gym nuts, by the time your children are of age you will have the body too. Perfect Kratos right there.
Don’t forget SNES VC, I mean I got suckered big part because of that.
This might get me to buy a PS4, I love me some GoW. Anyway, this may not happen but if Santa Monica sticks to all the previous lore, a little someone called Athena is still alive and well, perhaps she’ll cause some mischief in this game? I mean while they are taking other cultures mythologies they are certainly doing…
What is your problem with it? It seems to many people that having a timeline is like spitting on your mother and then burning her. What the heck is wrong with you?
The ocean could have dried up. It must in fact if the Master Sword is to be used in the latter games.
Well it is post WW that is for sure, so maybe it is about the ones who settled in the old original Hyrule?
I think is post WW and pre anything else later than that. Speciallymbecause of the ruined Temple of Time that is way to similar to the one in OoT.
Shhhh you are killing all those PS cool kids dreams!
If they stick to calm Kratos and make his son the protagonist then I’d buy a PS4 just for it.