
I think I remember hearing something similar, so origin pre-orders get a couple day head start on Single Player as a bonus

I'd bet dollars to doughnuts most used game sales go to buy more used games. Some go for pre-orders because of bonuses, but most probably go to buy more used games... I mean hell, someone is buying that game you just sold to Gamestop.

I'm saying that the online pass itself is a rev stream of devs. Granted, not everyone who buys a used copy of UC3 will buy the online pass, but a decent number will. Thus revenue.

LittleBigPlanet cake topper from my wedding a week ago. Figures are the official Mezco figures, and the clothes are hand made by me. (She wore a red gown, similar beading and detail work; I wore a charcoal grey tux, with pants)

Only one thing you missed. If used game sale stay constant, developers are actually making SOME money on the used games sold, so it is still a net positive for them.

Why not? Reviewers are supposed to review the game, as sold at retail. Sold at retail, new, as intended, the game comes with the things behind the online-pass. I'm fine with reviewers prominently mentioning the paywall on the review so used buyers, or people with multiple players in a house know, but dropping the


Didn't this used to happen at Game Stop on like, a daily basis, but with no promise of gift cards and MS points? (Also, you MIGHT want to note that most likely you will be able to get the pre-order bonus cars on Live for about that $20 in a few months, so while you won't get the physical stuff, you will get the cars,

Yes, thank you.

"buy some beer brewing equipment (with his own money)"

DING DING! MAYBE, just MAYBE, if sites like Giz stopped worshiping the fruit stand so much that, for instance, there is a sub category for APPLE, while everything else just goes into "laptops", manufacturers might start taking some chances on new stuff.

3DS Max/Maya/Rhino with photoshopped plants I'd say is about 95% likely. Good renderings, Architecture looks decent, not totally sold on the Landscape Architecture however...

"I know people that have tried purchasing the property and the owner has rejected any offer." Wagers on what he has hidden in a wall safe/the basement?

God damn patent office. Patents are for original, breakthrough ideas, not shit that everyone is already doing, or stuff like: a touchscreen that is activated with input. Apple has surpassed Patent-Troll status... Patent-Uruk-hai?

Not really. If they say they need all the lanes, Give them all the lanes. They are the ones walking up to burning cars, people with arms coming off, and peeling steel apart. They get to use as much space as they need.

It says it was recently updated to use GPU assuming you have good drivers

Also, most of the time rioting happens for really no reason it dies out in a few hours (Vancouver, hell, almost any sports riot) The fact that this has such staying power seems to point to an actual driving force, like we had during the Rodney King riots.

Your going to start shooting when people are 1,000 yards away? Good luck with that murder wrap...