
I THINK this issue is that he basically fell head-first forward. If it’s first first, it’s a slide, and no contact is needed. If it’s head first, it’s a dive, and no contact means live ball. No need to light him up and get a penalty, but run over and tap him for sure.

Thanks for the reminder that this site is part of the Gawker network. I sometimes forget that fact, and start to come here again. This reminded me to avoid any links to this trashheap like the plague for another few months.

This isn't a retrofitted vitualboy. It's a linux computer with a dumb game that he put into a vitualboy body that he cut up. If he used an ounce of the original hardware, maybe...

The thing is, this isn't a virtualboy at this point. I doubt there is anything left of the virtual boy other than the body, and even that has been thoroughly mangled.

Yeah... so he's a good source of scientific information.

May want to file a complaint also because different precincts have different rules about when cops can and can't pull their guns. Again, probably won't mean anything, but the fact that it MIGHT seems more than worth it to me. Glad you guys and the pups are doing OK.

It is also why bioswales are being built in the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens. They eliminate stormwater from ever reaching the sewers.

I COULD be that as an empire with shrinking funds, and a lot of damaged gear, that they redesigned their new equipment to be cheaper and easier to build. Hell, maybe their factory planet got taken by the rebels. Now they are making it out of a new factory, without the original molds.

The first Surface Pro only came out 2.5 years ago... are you from the future?!?!? ;p

The 830,000 trees planted inside the city limits in the last several years as part of the Million Trees Project might disagree with you... as might Central Park, Battery Park....

Or if you want to buy one, and don't care about impressing friends, sales is the category that doesn't matter at all. I couldn't give 2 shits about if other people think a Purface Pro is worse than an iPad. I want to be able to run CAD and Photoshop. On a Surface I can. THAT is the stat that matters- what YOU want

More like saying Ferarri cars lag behind vespas.

That way since the original

Jesus ipad loving clickbait...

oHHHHHH rightrightright!

Not a watch person really, but I don't REALLY get what the big deal is. I have a $35 self winding mechanical watch that I bought like a year ago at Kohls. Not saying this isn't a BETTER watch, but mine looks better IMO, and there was no story written about it being a technological marvel...

My favorite St Pats ONLY drink: ShamDrunk Shake- Put a bunch of Jameson in a Shamrock Shake.

Back in the day, Conan claimed it was actually a law. That's why he registered hornymanatee.com

Now playing

This solution was better from back in the day: