
I would argue his Civil Rights record- which he’s spent most of his life working on- is pretty impressive and says a lot about his character but I guess that’s nothing compared to being a blogger

Doesn’t the guy have an impressive and important civil rights background, above everything else? Isn’t that kind of a helpful thing in this political climate and in the years to come?

I'm guessing you don't believe in global warming, so that's all I need to know about you.

Most of the world calls it "climate change" now because derps like you can't grasp the fact that "global warming" =/= "every day is hot forever".

The rest of the enlightened world does as well. The only people that don't believe in it, are, well, in fact glue-huffing apes.

"Why they changed it? I can't say. People just liked it better that way!"

NYC most certainly has lots of trees on regular streets. Maybe not in the tourist trap sections, but in the residential areas where we, you know, actually live.

Not to the end user.

Higher res screen is it. In literally every spec category aside from that, the iPad is not only beat by the Surface Pro 2, it's actually in an entirely separate category. The Surface Pro 2 is a laptop in a tablets body, not a tablet.

That's because your watch manufacturer didn't spend loads of money on advertising and marketing.

I was lased once over Titusville, FL while with a student of mine en route to Daytona Beach at night. I reported it to ATC, but have no idea if they caught the jackass who did it. It hurt like hell, and my night vision was gone for a good 10-15 mins - much worse than a student accidentally turning on a white light int

Cosmos is showing again the following night on NatGeo.

It reaaaaaaaally sucks being on the broadcasting crew when this happens.

Shouldn't these deaths be blamed on contractors? I don't see how an architect is responsible, when a company that is responsible for construction should be to blame. I thought architects are only responsible for the actual building, not what tools are used to construct and how workers use those tools? Not trying to

I mean - she kind of has a point. What authority does she have to change the labor and safety laws in Qatar.

"This one is the kicker. Construction accidents and deaths are a tragic part of architecture, but better tools and safety regulations can prevent loss of life. "

Yes - better tools and safety regulations - that

wow, why does this sound like such a hit piece?

You're a fuck. People died because the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT cannot maintain their infrastructure which the INTERSTATE 35W bridge was.

Yes, kind of like how I can afford the time to reply to your asinine comment but you can't afford to learn basic economics... They come from 2 entirely different budgets and neither has financial cause and effecton the other.

Uhhh, that jackass is Neal McDonough, and he's not a dipshit, he's awesome.

Rest of article skipped.