
Because gun violence started this whole thing? You think pulling a gun on a MOB of people who are pissed about someone getting shot is a good idea? Good luck with that. Unless you want to start shooting people before they do anything other than trespassing, you're going to be surrounded and get your ass beat.

All I've seen is that cops pulled over a cab, a father of four was in the back, and he got shot. Rumors were flying (good old rumors!) saying everything from he shot at them, and they shot back; to they opened fire without reason; to they shot him execution style; to them pulling him out, holding him down, and

I used to have a Golf that I thought was a blast, but after replacing it with a 2010 Lancer ES, I'm blown away. Its not quite as nimble as the Golf, but its not a Hatch, so that's to be expected. But with the manual, once you find its sweet-spot (3,500+ RPM) the thing takes off like a bullet. Plus, I am a fan of

Old people who enjoy audio quality...


I just got rid of (AKA blew a header on) a VW Golf. Great car, terrible electronics. Water leaks everywhere, O2 sensors and headlights going out like nobodies business. We ended up going with a Mitsubishi Lancer. Great car, lots of power for the money, and while the interior is decent, it looks really sporty and

I think he put the coathangers in as a guide for the rebar. That way you know its going to the right place without having to fully open the hood.

Yeah I saw that in the NYT article it was from 1974. Its a similar postmodern vibe in the 70s and 80s

To be fair, graphic design is a tricky thing to explain verbally, and that is for creative professionals. Someone who is used to, say, hard data is going to have an especially hard time explaining why they think one logo is better than another.

I've heard talk of similar things on CarTalk before. Starter doesn't engage, and you, while trouble shooting, give the starter motor a little nudge and the starter comes loose, spins, and starts right up. Irishman was just clever enough to come up with a one-man solution.


I went to CDH and the U, and do dearly miss Carabou. They have a couple in DC, but haven't made their way to NYC yet... Maybe one in GC across from the Apple Store?

So, if the government, instead of having a postal service, going to buy computers and pay for basic internet for everyone in the country? Because if not, this is a meaningless idea.

Yes. Very yes.

Plus, if you did your research you would see that the kid works in the Best Buy in the PMP3 section. Its really easy to see even without reading. Hes wearing a blue shirt= on floor, non Geek Squad. Geek squad in store PC techs= white shirt/Black tie. Geek squad home theater install and Car-Fi install = gray button

Yeah, as someone who worked at a Best Buy, Blue shirts work in the store, Car-Fi techs wear grey button up shirts with the GS logo. This is just a kid who worked there and stumbled on a lambo in the install bay.

[meic.org] has it as a 7(coal) vs 8 (wind) cent/KWh difference in 2008

I wasn't aware that for a power-source to be real, it had to be limited, and there for exponentially more expensive over time. From the quick numbers I've looked at, wind is at worst 3 times more expensive than coal in terms of cost/KWh. It would stand to reason that, after say ten years of work was done on the

Yes, and as you are not being forced to fly anywhere, you have the right to avoid being scanned... by not flying. If you want the PRIVILEGE of flying, then you have to deal with the inconveniences. Just like you do not have the right, but the PRIVILEGE to drive, but only after you go through the trouble to get a