
If you zoom out to where you see the symbol, and mouse over, that looks a bit like... maybe Russian? to me (I could be TOTALLY wrong on that though....)

Personally, I wouldn't expect you to be driving city streets at full bore, and taking 90 degree turns at 40, but maybe tha'ts just me.

I don't know if we had PLENTY of security before, there are some people on the East Cost who might disagree...

That was my thought/hope

Wouldn't Cinema 4K, the higher res standard, then in fact be 4k x2k? Its the same as just saying 1080 vs saying 1080x1920. They just included both height and width.

Yes. Giz, you can tell us that someone thinks they figured it out by cross-referencing images and statements, without actually showing one of the US's covert agents 4 times. Freedom of press and all, but don't be douches.

Rear View. Again, not perfect, I feel like maybe the black goes a bit to high all around, but much better than the real paint.

Maybe its just me, but the biggest issue is the sides, where the black only covers the intake vent, both unlike the original, and making the from and back seem like its just unpainted bumpers. Not a hard fix, just paint up the the same line as the front and rear on the side, like so. Not perfect, but a damn bit

"2. Lock down OS so all purchases have to go through App Store

They've already been fairly responsive, pulling plunder after a few hours because it wasn't working right, pulling Curse from TeamDM because it wasn't properly ignoring teamkills. And that was within 24 hours of launch.

Just a heads up, maps are rotating each week along with game modes.

Yeah, thats really irking me right now as well...

Seems that with all the people seemingly on their tails, perhaps they are not as ahead as they thought they were.

I'd say because they suddenly realized one of those guys that was, according to them- so far off base in the identities (like TheJester)- may have in fact been pretty dead on, and they are now running scared.

The next target? My Geocities site from 1997! NOOOOOO All my beautiful Gifs!

One heart to you sir

Same here. I was thinking "Team Opposition, that's kinda badass... oh Team Poison? Jesus, Maybe I should start a hacker group called ClubW4rrent or Qui3tRi0tSquad"

After effects and modeling are far from the same thing. I'm sure after effects can render a frame of video pretty fast. But when it comes to rendering an image from a 3D model, including lights, indirect lighting, shading, reflections, that time adds up FAST. I've had fairly low res models in comparison (say

Yeah, especially when paired with an image of a news story (that as far as you can tell from the image is legit), the article title comes of as more than a bit sensationalistic. I'd go with "Why we don't think Ryan Dunn's death could be a prank" or "Another Jackass stunt? We think not." or even "Did Ryan Dunn fake

Everytime he stopped I said to myself "Yes, just take one step closer to the killzone..."