Hes British, so his accent is authentic, BTW...
Hes British, so his accent is authentic, BTW...
and the 1x broken chameleon circuit!
If your looking for a 3D, I highly recommend Plasma. I actually recommend plasma barring any crazy circumstances (windows directly behind where you sit while viewing, spotlights in your rooms, moving every 2-3 weeks...). But for 3D, plasma, whether Panasonic or Samsung, gives you a crisper image with MUCH less cross…
Last I checked, when I play MAG, 2/3 of players are playing with the US as an enemy.
which state run media outlet was he going to tell exactly?
is it just me, or do the 360 versions look so dark they are almost useless in many cases?
Also O2 Sensors in any VW Engine, after the same mileage.
No, I think critics get who his audience is: Potheads.
That or they will just show the Super Bowl fly over in 20 years, and claim it was their own pilots 2 days earlier.
@Mr.SithNinja: I donno, I enjoy a nice Chicken sandwich...
@tonicmole: + 1 heart click
@MURDERS: and you prove just how sad your life is.
@dinoSnake: Gotcha, I wasn't sure if the delay was a constant- in which case it was identical between speaker outputs0- imaging and staging would be unaffected, or if it was variable like you said. If its variable, then you are correct, boourns to that.
@dinoSnake: if the sound is delayed by the same amount constantly, then is it really distortion? the only way you would know of it (unless the delay would be different at different frequencies), would be the tiny delay when you hit pause, right? Or am I misunderstanding something?
@DustyButt: This
@gardenlevel: I'm getting going in freelance architectural renderings (3D), and I had a rough idea of what I would charge hourly, but the BEST thing I did was a sample render. It A) gave me a portfolio peice for clients out of the gate, and B) gave me a yardstick where I could value that drawing, and work backwards…
Yeah, cause no one celebrates St. Patrick's day, or tatoos Irish flags on themselves.
Last I checked, Arizona wants to have the right to out of hand ID anyone they suspect might be an illegal. AKA- Cops can pull over anyone that looks latino. That's straight BS. Just like cops don't have the right to pull you over for speeding because you have a car that looks fast.
I could just as easily say that liberalism is the ability to have empathy, and conservativism is the ability to ignore everyone but yourself.