
@TVs_Frank: And whats the BAD part of saying "He's a skeletor in training!"? Sounds like its FULL of win to me...

@SkipErnst: I've gotta wonder if that is part of the point. Like, OK, final phase of QC, drop the thing in sideways, if it doesn't sink, it'll be good in any ocean it'll ever see, and if not, then we F'ed up anyway.

@seanpat12: Naming agents working in the field in Afghanistan is illegal, just like it was when Valerie Plaim was outed.

@Ghostnappa9001: it is if she says to stop, and you don't, which is what is alleged, from what I understand.

@Edd White: And to see cables uncensored so operatives names are not redacted, putting our people, on the ground fighting the taliban, in harms way.

@LTA: You better pray none of the leaks lead to the murder of US operatives overseas, cause that, my friend, is accessory to murder, if not treason.

@ITCC: Reallky, its not like she didn't say no. The INSTANT she says no, he crosses a line.

@superflanker00su: there's a HUGE difference between whistle-blowing and what this assclown does. Trying to pretend that people are treating him like a "snitch" is just ignorant. If wikileaks actually whistle-blew, and posted items that involved wrong-doing, then game on. Its when they post things like diplomatic

@Matthew Weflen: You are correct. This guy and his site are making whistle-blowers into a hated breed again. Now they are basically trying to blackmail the worlds governments by releasing these cables? I'm thrilled to see this little empire being slowly destroyed.

@yreka: I THINK he meant the header image of the brick alleyway, I know that I am wondering how that thing is an illusion...

@SoulChaser: Honestly, if I have a choice between the better physics of GT5, or better crashes in Forza, I'll take the better physics.

@grimjack28: He was allowed to access the information on the computers ONLY. The instant he copied the files, much less walked out the door, he broke the law.

@SenorElChimpo: Except journalists redact names of US assets in foreign countries. Wikileaks is just irresponsible to the point of being criminally negligent at the LEAST.

@snownpaint1: Yes, keep supporting the uncencored release of names of US assets in Afghanistan. And then go buy some pirated DVDs and purse ripoffs on the corner.

@FlyingAvocado: Looking for life is easier when you know what your looking for. If life can be made with arsenic instead of phosphorus, that opens up new areas that may have been deemed sterile. It also means the life gives off other chemicals than we are used to, so looking for certain chemical signatures as a sign