
@Mooncow27: I'm guessing if NASA finds life on another planet, there won't be a multiple day build-up to the press conference. once they have confirmation, the President will be on the TV ASAP, and millions of religious literalists will go insane instantly.

@MaWeiTao: Except this is an an alternative to Phosphorus, and its not just as an item that can be metabolized, as so may people who don't read more than a paragraph on this site have commented already was known, its as a building block of DNA. And he mentions that it was thought to be possible, but this is the first

I want to reward devs for good work on games I like.

Has anyone tracked down an email for this guy yet? I'd feel bad if its a misquote, but If he ACTUALLY said that the game doesn't have a story, someone is going to have to let him know the community feels otherwise.

@bowei437: It may be true that for most people saying GPU means the same thing as Graphics Card, but that doesn't make that accurate, or what nvidia means.

@unwritten_law9: Yes, but even if you never intended to buy it, you

@cadenlaguna: I wasn't aware that you had to return MP3s after 2 weeks of use, and that only one person in the world can use a specific mp3 at a time. according to a random guy on some forum (not the best source, I'm not gonna over sell it), libraries pay around 300-400% normal cost of a book. I wasn't aware that

@unwritten_law9: Last I checked, you are depriving artists and music labels of money due to them for their works when you download a song without paying for it.

@merc-ai: +1 internets for nerd cross-pollination!

@c010rb1indusa: I have a pair that were 75-ish at Best Buy and LOVE them. They are hot as ball, so even just walking around the corner on a sunny day gives me sweaty-ear, but damn its worth it for the sound quality!

@tikibomb: Pro-Tip: On many internet-based videos you also have the ability to "fast forward". This is basically advancing time in the video faster than time itself is moving. By moving the position of the slider at the bottom you are able to see, say two minutes into a video after only 20 seconds, noting that she

@mikeclark1982: I don't buy anything off craigslist jackoff. And yeah, smart as hell confessing to not only stealing copyrighted good and distributing them, but also stealing while things are in the process of interstate transit.

@mikeclark1982: Congrats on committing felonies, jackass.

@jdale: The only button that needs to be hit is the bottom one of the first section, to vote green party across all races. The tricky thing is that when you seem him push on his vote for gov, you cannot see the top of the screen, and if he was clicking on the top edge of the screen at the same time as he clicked for

@jdale: Especially if your trying to make sure it looks like a conspiracy, not a bugged screen.

@Magister: I found it a little weird that he hit the EXACT same spot on the screen each time. if you thought the touch screen was F'ed, wouldn't you try a different spot on the screen?

@Vrank92: Crap. NM, got fooled by a douche who made something else using the same name and price.

@NuevoLeon aka MiRod407: Crap. NM, got fooled by a douche who made something else using the same name and price.