
@flox44: Exactly. How does a room full of dead people make this better? Kid with the DS? DEAD

@Namarrgon: Because it was actually a pretty drastic difference. I've done other tests where i thought for a second I heard a SLIGHT difference, but after a few switches I realized it was in my head. This was a marked improvement.

While it is VERY true that unless you really sit and listen to music there isn't a real point to getting the better speaker wire, just like there isn't a point to getting speakers.

This is causing some seriously dangerous ideas to fly around in my head, as I am about to buy a case for a new PC, and a new Desk for said PC. Coordinated internal lighting schemes? I THINK SOOOOO!!!!

@Xagest: Its two player, simultaneous FULL screen.

Unless they are making a system that could use the PS3 with ANY 3DTV, and not just a Sony, this will be worthless. LCD/LED screens just cannot change images fast enough for this to work without the same terrible crosstalk that makes LCD 3D inferior to Plasma 3D.

@Purple Dave: "But everyone should live in THIS environment... the APPLE envrionment!"

*pours a shot of whiskey on the floor*

@magictroll: except then the question is why the Dark Knights gear got WORSE over time, instead of better. I'd say do something where it is A.R., but with some-sort of limiting factor (Due to it being AR instead of a separate goggle system). Line-of sight means skeleton visibility, blocked view means floating

Does this look like a creepy-ass Jar Jar mask to anyone else?

@CheeNOMNOMNOM: bottle rockets are the only airborne allowed in MN, along with things like roman candles. AKA, nothing that can blow a hand clean off.

@Samuel James Reha: Yeah, as someone who grew up in the Twin Cities, I'm pretty sure Wisconsin is a dark blue on this map. Also, that is according to the stores along the illinois/Wisconsin and Minnesota/Wisconsin borders that sell black cats and all that good stuff.

@unknownsock: Famous enough that NBC was looking at doing an american top gear, starring Adam Carolla among others. Hasn't panned out yet, but I think it went to pilot and might be one of those "when the time is right" shows.

@Molossus: "Did he lift on the follow through?"

I have to say, I can't wipe the buffalo off the prairies for the same reason. Driving an animal to virtual extinction just doesn't do it for me, even in a virtual world.

@bakagaijin: IGN has Greg Miller and Colin Moriarty keeping track of what they are DLing as Plus members, to keep track of if it really is worth it. So far, it looks like Colin is going to be in the green PRETTY damn soon... [ps3.ign.com]

@PinballFan: Yes, that IS a tragedy, especially since the Green Hornet PREDATES the green lantern by four and a half years...

@Gary_7vn: Its a level soundstage with a higher sampling rate than any alternative too.

@dfxdeimos: Thats because it is still, for the audiophile, the single most accurate way to listen to music. It's hard to get better than a 100% sampling rate. CDs are second best, and MP3s are basically unlistenable at this point, now that I'm used to how CDs and Vinyl sound.

I was lucky enough to try out the Move in NYC a few months ago, and I left feeling not like it was barely better than Wii, but that is does what Wii is SUPPOSED to do, and doesn't, along with doing more. I played the mini-game that has been shown multiple times, along with playing a tech demo they had set up. The