
@Red_Flag: Touche' good man. I guess I know part of why I'm not starred. Clearly I still don't understand the intricacies yet.

@bill cant fart: unless I am mistaken, a star commenting on someone, whether it is a pinky or an approved commenter, only promotes that single comment, not the commenter in general. So while the post did elevate a troll post, I don't BELIEVE it actually helps the commenter out in any way other than a little

@Ursus-Veritas: I... I CAN'T run. My hand... Its a bowler hat!

@Mr.SithNinja: Madden lets you throw a challenge flag. That means they have refs blowing calls on purpose from time to time so you have something to challenge. How is this different?

@Chester Coat Sleaves:Promotes Deans Comments!: If your going a short distance, and don't care about durability, then go cheap. If your going more than 10 feet, get better cable. Also, From what I've been told at trainings (I work at Best Buy), supposedly better cables give you better moving resolution and audio

@Nexus6: I'm gonna be watching the Searchers, Silverado (both on Netflix Streaming), and I might pick up 3:10 to Yuma to round the weekend off in preparation. And I'll be taking the Q-18 to Best Buy for mine on the 18th. I'm just hoping I can get someone to take my shift for that night...

@Slatz_Grobnik: I recommend the two 6 hour write ups on IGN, one of the playing the hero ( [ps3.ign.com]), one of playing the villain ([xbox360.ign.com] ). There are some Minor spoilers it seems, but both make the story seem exceptionally gripping and open-ended.

@TheJinManCan: The cost of prologue is likely thrown in with that figure, and as that game alone has already sold 4.6 million copies, which far from recoup's the cost, but that is a decent chunk of the production cost.

@54r93: I believe it is pronounced "PPPPOOOWWWWAAAAAAR!"

@puffa469: You did see the part where they said he is not on the show, and was likely there as part of the track research process, right? Because of course you read the full article before commenting... RIGHT?

My response to his article:

@Chimaera: Classic. I have to say, I'd never seen the video. This song is EPIC.

@KillaB43: Shes missing a stone penis being held in one of those fists. I would add it, but I don't want to tempt the wrath of the banhammer, so I'll just mention that if you picture her holing David's junk in her left (our right) hand, it would be Epic.

@roughneck117: Because they are either making a statement about the current climate of censorship calls by some, similar to the way the Simpsons did in the referenced episode (Oh Simpsons from the 90's, how I miss thee...) and how it could lead to a world where not even the most famous sculpture on earth is safe, OR

@Potentaint: Yeah, its hard to image if you were the cessna pilot you wouldn't get back on the mic after that just to say "shhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttt", although stunned into silence makes sense too.

@medopal: 107 feet long is hardly small. It could carry what looks to be around 60,000 pounds of fuel, with a range of 5,400 KM. and it could, and would, do midflight refuels (as, from what I remember hearing as a kid, so much fuel would both leak and get used in takeoff, before reaching the speeds where it joints

11 & 19 get my votes.

@VergessenHeld: "The choice of article is actually based upon the phonetic (sound) quality of the first letter in a word, not on the orthographic (written) representation of the letter. If the first letter makes a vowel-type sound, you use "an"; if the first letter would make a consonant-type sound, you use "a.""