
@Chron4no: Your ideas intrigue me, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter...

@Pointy: I was about to post this. I want to find him in game to hear the cops bust down the door over his mic as he starts calling them racial slurs.

@Kryptolojik: I would say between the bus, the train, a taxi, a car, and the fact that the kid had enough spare cash to buy a ticket to PAX... He could have gotten there. It doesn't matter how hard it might be. If you have a court summons, you go.

@reginald: Yes, Yes he should. Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking it. Is driving 20 feet in ferrari worth 100 grand? no.

@aupton: Ummm... Unless I misread something, there was no wifi involved, as May had hardlined his computer to the Dev's PC. Should they have had some, you know, passwords put on the thing.

@superberg: If it was going to happen at any Best Buy in the area, it was going to be on Howard.

@ThursdayNext: Wait... are you saying the were under-whelmed, because they were under the whelm, or that they were over-whelmed, because the whelm was over them...

@Vrank92: or flailing I guess....

@R0bster: if the move successfully makes a console shooter control closer to how a PC does, I'd take it hands down.

@vid3oman64: The main controller has not only the lightbulb on a stick, but also the accelerometers/gyroscopes to detect things like rotation that can not be seen by the camera, along with the analog trigger and 5 or so face buttons (that I remember from the NYC public demo).


@geiko: I haven't played this game since my old ps3 YLOD'd on me in December, since I was to dumb to back up my data, and lost all my saved games.

@Hamster Poop: Yes, but to get the state mandated care it is in the emergency room only. So you have people waiting until that bad cut gets terribly infected to go for treatment, at which point it costs FAR more than it would have to give the person some stitches. And who pays for that, everyone else who is insured.

@Hamster Poop: That's interesting, since: "The plan, according to CBO projections, will cut budget deficits by more than $1 trillion in its second decade."- [www.cnn.com]

@bobtheduck in Korea: [g4tv.com] Go to around 9:30 to see where they really start talking about motion control, and stop talking about the last year of PS3 dominance.

@enochcainx256: Note to sony: make a minigame where you push a hoop with your Move-mote. This must be done...

@LucasReis: Did you see or read anything about the GDC press conference? the FIRST thing Sony said is that Wii did an amazing job crating a new market for games, and that this was the next evolution of that. They're being pretty clear that they know its not their ground breaking idea, its just that they are doing it