
@SecCom: Thank you, I was about to post that...

@AgitoXIII: As did Uncharted 1/2 (3rd person, I know, but still cover based). If you find cover mechanics to boring, then your doing it wrong, IMO.

@AndrosZ: I see what you did there...

@AndrosZ: See, I was making a joke, like in the one with the construction workers, where the middle guy knows the song, and the two guys on the end don't, and they keep doing it wrong... Oh subway, will you NEVER win?

@doubtful: Right right right. I was blanking on that part of my copyright law brain. I retract that last paragraph.

@doubtful: The other factor is that games, like music and movies, are more than anything, intellectual property. You are not paying for the physical disk per-say, but the information on it. With cars, I can buy a physical car, and I am the only person using it. I can sell it to you, at which point I no longer have

@brianewing: Very interesting point. I would guess this will be the argument they make if some of the DLC is included on disk.

@-MasterDex-: That I hear you on. Although, I see this as slightly less of an issue then pre-order bonuses that give a competitive advantage, as people might get hosed in game for having brand loyalty, or just the inconvenience of not living near a store that offers the bonus. But yes, you are correct, it shouldn't

I'm all for this. Make a legit incentive for people to buy the game new, or to at least give the developer some of the cash they would have made on a new sale. Also, this likely helps with their budgeting/press. I'm fairly certain (correct me if I'm wrong) that used sales do not show up on sales charts. So if

@ourovoros- double posts strike back: Your right, it is better than piracy, in the same way that a broken ring-finger is better than a broken thumb. They would both suck ass, and I'm pretty sure you don't want either one, but by having a broken ring-finger there is some possibility of using your hand as more than a

@-MasterDex-: The difference with this is, its DLC that you don't have to pay for if you buy the game new. THe only time you have to pay the $15 is if you buy the game used so you can save money. Just factor that $15 into the equation when you are deciding when to buy and if to buy new/used.

@Stimpak_Addict: I bought my car new. Part of the difference there also is that, while a used car will cost maybe 25% tops of the original price of the car, a used game, bought from a customer for 10% of the original cost, sells for 90% of the original cost, and still none of that money goes to the publisher.

@AndrosZ: No no no man, its like this:

@HotChops: Would you expect a gamer not to be a fan of games? If you had the ability to go meet the star of one of your favorite movies, wouldn't you take the chance?

@HotChops: You can't burn on IGN because their commentators are morons. By the same logic, you would have to say the entire internet is useless because overall it is filled with homophobic, fan-boy rants.

@Sloopydrew: It could also be seen more like the way grades fall, meaning 70-80% is a C, 80-90= B, and 90-100= A. Thats they way most seem to view it. It creates an oddly top heavy scale, but there are games that, even on that scale, deserve a 10%.

If you are going to let people judge based mostly on the number, not the text, than this system where you rate a specific review of one specific item- is really far to small of a sample size. They should have you just rate every game you want to, not seeing reviewers scores.

Gundam Vs. Sackboy