
@Shiv: Or look into Sharps Vyper Drive enabled sets. Vyper drive is a fancy phrase for "We turned off all the video processing". Its supposed to cut the response time in half or something. I've never tried it yet, but I've also never had a huge issue with the input lag.

Am I the ONLY person as a kid who played video games upside down with friends as a challenge when over-tired? Seriously?

@nbsp: plus, from what I've seen, plaetside capped at 200 people with two army's 300 with three armys fighting at once. 300 isn't actually that much more than 256 you know... it's definitely not a massive amount more.

@Alex_Mexico: Same here, Never had a problem with a kotaku vid, so i donno what the deal is

@drtyfrnk: Yup... except you can pay ATT money to "get 3G service"... assuming you can actually... you know... get ATT 3G where you are.

@Jay467: Anyone who wants to rank up quick, get the medic pack. You can still use any gun you want. I know I generally am a Medic with a full machine gun, had about a 1.6:1 K:D in the Beta, and each round got 30-60% of my XP from healing.

I will be playing this about 8 hours straight tomorrow. Loved the beta, and now I'm watching guys load pretty much my whole apartment, (minus the TV, two speakers, and the PS3) into a truck, and I do not leave until thursday. Once I go pick up the game, ITS ON!

@Legendary Armor: These should all be trohpies... or maybe just a "I'm a virgin" trophy if you manage them all...

@Islandkiwi: See, I'm about 90% that the game could be ready by March, but SONY told them they wanted to delay the launch window a few months to get clear of the heavily loaded 1st quarter (this is especially true because when asked about a US release date, shortly after the March in Japan announcement, PD said that

@ddarkly: Most of it is due to the oragami lining up nicely to create the illusion of the line of her back being further forward then it is. The other part is that she is twisted sideways, so you are looking at her midsection from the side, while you look at her shoulders at an angle.

@rorkimaru: There is a gratuitous lack of boobs... Otherwise that is pretty good!

@GWT: The things that REALLY kill me: the ridiculous water images thrown on. First you have condensation on a window, which is NOT rain, but whatever. Then there is the base level of water, that the origami is sitting on. Then, seemingly an inch or so above the base of water, is another level of water, that has

Just submitted this gem:

Dear god! Its only after looking at the source material for the North American box that I realized that the water ripples are like, half an inch above the bottom of the evidently submerged blood pool at the bottom of the origami... someone who got killed must have a LOT of iron in their blood...

@super_machine: Like Burnout, Need for Speed, Mod Nation Racers, Motorstorm, or Grid? There really isn't motivation for another team to make a pure simulation for the PS, as they would know they are investing in a niche market that is preemptively filled.

@NoBullet: As one of the major mainstream media icons who actually made jokes and comments about gaming, Conan has been helping gamings legitimacy not only with gamers, but in the general populace.

@IcyM: Totally, Especially with the heavily-lens-vignetted opening shots- Top Gear does love their darkened edges!

@Acornactivist: see, but by showing both, they get you to first actively think "Wait, is this the game engine, or video". You then think "Holy Hell! Its actually tough to tell in a lot of these shots! I NEED THIS GAME" Game, Set, Match.