
@Patient: Arkham Asylum, inFamous, UC2, AC2, KZ2, MW2, Patapon2...

Why must you remind me of David Tennent's impending doom Kotaku? WHY!!!!

@rueishiums: He might also have noticed that there is a slight difference between museum guards and a militia/army of mercs, all armed with automatic weapons or magnums. Nathan didn't want to kill any guards because they are just guys paid to protect priceless objects who are trying to throw Nathan in jail, not kill

@Stormyt: The mistake there would have been that the console couldn't handle it. While the 360 has more graphics power, I'm pretty sure the superior processor in the PS3 plays a key role in making this server architecture actually work.

@Quine: You could give the game a shot in the free beta before deciding its impossible to get teamwork. I would say 60% of my rounds had at least 90% of the people playing for the goal in the entire team, 30% of rounds had like 2 guys on your squad being douches while the rest fight as a unit, and only like 10% at

@nipsen: People with taste don't want to join SVER you swine! They join VALOR. The only good thing I can say about SVER is that at least you don't need that Raven Techno-garbage to man up enough to fight.

@End_of_Infinity: Its not like gameplay hinges on creative names: Here's a good example:

@Korbei83: you could just download the free beta as well, give it a shot for a week and see what you think then...

@splatternick: Actually its more like setting a game in london and having all the signs and text be in german. Probably something people would get fairly hot and bothered over

@FeatherNET - Live in Canada: As a heads up, I played for the last few days of the closed beta again (after being in the first portion of it) and the through-a-door-defuse was fixed. They do seem to have been tweaking a fair amount throughout the beta, making it both more stable and more balanced and sense-acle.

@SG-17: You sir, must have had a more powerful version of a PS2 than the rest of us had. Also, I at least felt the controls felt pretty solid, crisp but not over-reactive. but download it an in a week you will know for yourself.

@kakarotthemonkey: there are barely front lines in todays army. My friend who is on his second tour has a squad with one or two women, and while isn't on the front lines, still gets rpgs launched at his face.

@kakarotthemonkey: you do realize that 14% means that any given squad will have at least one female right?