
@Rebochan: It also goes to the fact that one of the only women seen is the one who gets shot down. That means IW programmed an entire player model so they could shoot her down and have you play knight to go rescue her. And in MW2 they modeled a woman character simply so you could shoot her while she was helpless.

@Weegee: While I think the point she raised in the airport with the same clothes is counter productive (as it seems to point to the fact that it is likely that in fact IW was to lazy/resource strapped to make more than one female model), you, weegee, totally misunderstand the concept of feminism.

@ibunkun: gt4 was 2004 in Japan, 2005 in the US and Europe. They have GT Prologue, Tourist Trophy, GT PSP, and soon GT 5.

@Mephisto: Note: Contest begins Dec 17th. In the US, the winner gets tix to the Indy 500. in Europe the winner gets trained by a race driver and then I BELIEVE Nissan will sponsor the winner in a Euro racing series (last winner placed second place in a race a few weeks ago I heard...)

@That mop mutant from NES.: Its more like if you paid 40 bucks for the hobbit as a prologue to the lord of the rings. Its still a stand alone game that is as big as most racing games. but you know that in a few years you will get a HUGE game.

@sbtim: The thing is, their half of a game is still as robust as most non-polyphony/turn 10 racing games. THATS why they can charge for it. It keeps up peoples interest, and it is a blast.

@B0GiE: In the case of the THREE games they have made since GT4, its been 6 years total.

@AncientUnknown1: Gran Turismo PSP and Tourist Trophy both do NOT approve of this post...

@Dante_Ravenkin: After you first can upgrade you are then able to pick between punishing and absolving. I absolved a bunch of people and was able to start leveling up my good side a bit, making my cross attack charge up a bit.

@SocraticMethod: or, if gaming only became mainstream lately, it was undoubtedly the Wii. 360 has done a lot to bolster and secure online multiplayer as a key component for mainstream gamers, but it has done little relative to PS2 and Wii in terms of gaming as a whole in the last 10 years.

@ColinStein: and I assume you always lose that debate terribly...

@Marill: OH! I figured it out, he has the skulls on there as a statement about human evolution. That is why the one biting the genesis controller has such pointed teeth. And the Pot at the top and nowhere beneath is a statement about how we have regressed as a society in our view of hemp as a useful plant. AND the

@hazelnut: Why is there a bullet underneath the gun? (Which is not at ALL a zapper btw)

@zåɳzißarleɠёпȡ: beta = finished. The beta was wide open last weekend right before it went off-line. Hopefully there will be a demo to, much like with warhawk.

@Cerabret100: In most game modes, the match starts spread out and seperated. Then as the attackers gain ground the defenders get pushed closer together until they are all spawning in the same general area. you get assigned objectives by squad and platoon leaders, so that keeps the game spread out in different

@ChuBoi: I BELIEVE its full 59.99. But as it is online with 3 modes of 32 v. 32, 64 v. 64, and 128 v. 128, I'll be getting my preorder pretty quick. (I was in the beta and LOVED it)