
The 919 wasn’t a diesel (that was the fuel used in the Audi R10/15/18 and the Peugeot 908). The 919 used this jewel-like 2.0 petrol V4:

A car isn’t likely to go airborne over the bridge. The problem will be if there is anything on the bridge that does actually cause a yellow flag. If a car crashes or breaks down or even if bodywork debris is laid down, a full-course yellow is going to have to wait for the AMR safety team to get to the wreck from

You ain’t kidding. I’m lucky to get a year out of Michelin or Bosch wipers.

I suspect it was a collective “Zzzzzzzzzzzzz”

As someone who only watches a handful of Nascar races a year, this was a helluva lot of fun! This is probably the most fun I’ve had watching a recent Nascar race, with the exception of maybe the Charlotte Roval races. Love that there are no stages and that the race is a shorter length. Sure there were A LOT of

The #11 team was docked points after Hamlin’s rig failed post-race inspection. His GPU was overclocked and his computer case had two loose lug nuts.

Seen far too many tesla and prius owners think they’re somehow doing the world a favor by owning one and therefore have the right to speed, cut you off, hold up traffic, run red lights, and change lanes with signaling simply because.  i get it why diesel bro’s want to knock them down a peg and middle finger the EPA.  

Pinks’ was the shit!

Darek went to the Chicago Auto Show because, duh, cars, and spotted the striking blue GT-R—a rare 50th Anniversary Edition— at the Nissan booth.

“Oh good, a GM product that can sit and spin.”

COTD AND a great hot take.

He drove for McLaren, isn’t he used to being broken down on the side of the road?

Police: “Hey, where you going with that tuba”?

(the average person isn’t hitting 155 MPH 20 times in a row on their way to work)

Couldn’t Porsche just install a larger turbo to increase the range?

So much for being grounded to the ground

any time they pitch a new idea for nascar that doesn’t involve more horsepower and less downforce:

The dude didn’t tighten his manifold rivets. It probably popped a warning on his laptop, but he kept going.  Seen it a thousand times....

When we are able to make full use of this gas we shall be able to fly around the world under five hours.