
Maybe it’s the PTSD from shooting a normal gun that’s making him an insufferable Karen /s

Couldn't gree more.

I think we need more civil physical altercations. If you get punched in the face for saying something stupid, you might think twice next time you have a similar thought.

That's a really cool experience. We never got invited to things as crew guys. But then again, the owner is in prison over securities fraud, so kind of a dick to begin with.

I feel he’s making a big deal about it because so many media outlets have been spewing hatred at him for not having paid taxes before.

I’m glad it’s finally being highlighted. The crews’ work environment improved some with limits on hours at the track. However, it’s still non-stop travel that wears on you. There is no glamor involved as a race mechanic. You see the scenery from the airport to hotel and from the hotel to track and back again.

Being on

It literally does not depend on those things. When you share a room with someone you work with, your job never stops, you never get to fully switch off.

You’re delusional if you think the crew is involved in all the awesomeness that surrounds F1. They don’t go to those parties, they don’t get to experience the glam of their location. They fucking work. That’s it.

Being on a race team is extremely rewarding and extremely draining. Divorces are common when you are

And if you recount her test results, you’ll just get the same fraudulent numbers. You know, like recounts in other places...

F1 is owned by American company, Liberty Media...

“Not a mask was found...” is a bit of dramatization. Some people wore masks and weren’t ostracized for it. The heavy majority did not wear them and weren’t ostracized for it. Most attendees knew Covid was a threat, but preferred to live life.

Growing up I had a Playmobil Porsche 917/10 Can-Am car. After finding those toys in my 20s I realized how accurate their engine modeling really is. They got the flat 12 perfect and it's removable (you know in case you blow the motot) 

The ones shooting at you are bad.

My E90 335i (why is it always a f***in BMW?!) needs to have something done to the parking break mechanism. It sticks when the air is humid. I live in the South, so pretty much any time. Only way to release it is to put the car in reverse to mechanically free it, then carry on.

Trick part? My former independent shop in

Most of those attending Sturgis were the at-risk population everyone wrings their hands about. They are in their 50s, 60s, and 70s. Probably not going to pass it on to someone more at-risk...

So, 3 weeks after the event’s conclusion, there was less than a 4% increase in cases amongst the locals in Sturgis and there were only 260 cases tracked to Sturgis.

Most of the people I talked with at (in?) Sturgis don’t believe it’s fake. They just know they’ve survived this long and if that’s the way they go, then that’s it. They would prefer to exist in freedom than be holed up in their house waiting for a miracle drug.

I took it so in stride that I didn’t question it until reading your commen. I think it’s ready for a refresh....

How does that make sense? I travel to produce events for my clients. Our entire workforce has to travel to each location. Nothing in the company happens without travel. 

I believe the blaming of the country of China comes about from the Chinese legal system protecting Chinese companies from any retribution for stealing IP.