
Since IndyCars are open cockpit, when they crash, the driver is more exposed. At fast ovals, they are more likely to get airborne. If the car goes into the fence cockpit first, the fence acts as a cheese grater and seriously injures drivers.

Your link at the bottom only goes to a story about something Ivanka Trump said. Is that a mistake or purposely misleading?

So, you’re saying employment would have to rise due to the creation of jobs because more people are going to be needed to complete these projects? All the better!

Not all of them are doomed. We did an event on behalf of the manufacturer for LFA owners. 19 owner’s cars and 2 manufacturer cars were sent to a race track qhere the owners got to enjoy them with instructors on board or go for a ride on a hotlap with a factory driver.

California is bankrupt and has created an economic environment that encourages large businesses (who employ a large number of people)to leave for other, more tax friendly states.

Here I thought I was reading Jalopnik where the motto is “Drive Free or Die”, not “Socialism is Progress”.

I do agree that Haas is (or rather has been so far) the B team for Ferrari. But, I beleive they could benefit by having another junior team that is more closely aligned with the factory.

I truly think Ferrari wants to make Sauber a junior team and possibly brand it as Alfa Romeo in the process. It will allow sharing of resources and data as well as giving them a place for Academy drivers such as Giovanazzi and Leclerc.

Is it bad that I chuckle everytime I see YouTube Red? Because of course they had to pick a name soooo damn close to that other site....

There is no good reason. But, I love then still. The npise is one thing the Wankel gets very right, but they don’t have any real, lasting benefit.

They’re already rolling out super cheap leases on the small motored Giulia. Like $4k down and $299/month for 24 months.

My understanding is yes and yes.


You deserve a star for hating Florida Georgia Line...

The 2006 BMW 3-series is listed on the Vehicles Affected list by the NHTSA, but when I run the VIN on my 2006 330i, it says there are no recalls. Yeah, doesn’t bother me at all....

It’s a lot of money, no matter the class. It follows the old adage; “If you have to ask, you can’t afford it.”

You’re exactly right. That business culture can be extremely frustrating to work with, much less deal with the end product.

That residence is split among 3 floors. That floor plan is for the top floor. Mega penthouse...

I assume you have sworn off IndyCar for the same reason then? Push-to-Pass is gimicky but helps the racing be as competitive as it is with the DW12.

As you should be! If you don’t want spoilers, stay off the internet.