
Based on the original NY Times article, many (most) of the cars he finds with intentionally altered license plates are cop cars/city vehicles. So, there’s a reason “the system” is not addressing this.

This is the same guy who claimed that shooting an ar15 gave him PTSD and bruised his shoulder.  I dont really have much to say about the license plate thing but from everything I have ever seen about this guy he seems like an insufferable twat waffl

The NYPD can’t be bothered because it’s cops and cop family pulling this shit.

I still think traffic cameras should be illegal so obscure your plate all you want. FYI, he isn’t stopping anything he is just doing it for views and to go “viral”...its all about money always.

I really want to be on team “fuck this guy”, but the problem is I don’t think the NYPD can be bothered to actively do anything about this problem. Somebody should.

Let the system deal with them. At the end of the day this is Karen-esque and it’s very dangerous for him. People manipulating their plates might be up to something far more nefarious than just dodging fines. I wouldn’t cross these kinds of people just because you think the municipal budget could use a few more

I know a guy who used to have an older model Pistenbully to level out his cranberry bogs, says it’s one of only a few vehicles that doesn’t get stuck in the bogs. He said while the tracks have large surface areas that result in low pressures on the ground, the tracks have long blades from side to side every few inches

but it’s also some peak rich guy shit to buy a ski resort snow cat to make your kids a groomed sledding hill.

Seriously! Let’s recap here…

I’m glad I’m not the only one who went to go find this figure. this is a good bit lower than a your standard automobile, as tracked vehicles tend to be, and thankfully the incident presumably happened on snow. even with such low GP, the snowcat tracks I’ve seen are generally arrayed with a number of “blades”, which


Not getting a “wish he’d died” vibe like you are, but the edge may have to do with the fact that he’s kind of a piece of shit ( https://www.themarysue.com/the-jeremy-renner-controversy-explained/ ) who did something extremely stupid resulting in injury. I saw some erroneous reporting claiming it was a neighbors car,

Any other readers get a weird vibe from this article? Are we supposed to turn on this guy for being able to afford a piece of equipment that he was unfortunately hurt by? 

According to the linked specs, and an online converter about 0.7 psi.

PistenBully” does sound like a German sex toy.

Red Snow Cats always foretell danger...

Look at the tracks again. It’s a belt of ginsu knives. He got slap-chopped.

Ive seen them float over fresh powder so pretty damn low.


I wonder what the ground pressure (psi) of that machine is? Those tracks can really spread the weight out.