
I once choked on gold dust that a restaurant had sprinkled on my selection of chocolate mousses.

New options on 2018 Porsches:

i thought that was the norm over there.. i stayed in oklahoma for 3 months and somehow ended up with the nickname the norweege.... because im dutch...

Later, at a bar:

It’s hard to erode a skill that most people do not have.

Hey get out of here with that logic! This is a Gizmodo blog (or whatever the fuck Gawker is called now), where everyone deserves a handout.

There he is everyone! It’s “that guy”!

Sounds like a typical scientist/engineer. They look at the data (can he function without her) and make a decision based on the data (yes, he can) and people’s feelings don’t matter.

Connections with federal authorities would help explain his casual suggestion of getting parts overnighted from Japan like it’s no big deal.

At the end of the day, most want their life subsidized by someone else.

“bootklickers . . . “make money at the pleasure of the rest of us” . . .“that they get to keep any money is their reward” . . . “stealing all the income” . . . “decrease income equality” . . .

Someone sounds a little jealous . . .

Because it’s their attempt to marginalize socialism. Here’s a novel idea. Charge subway riders an amount equal to what it would cost them to actually use the system. You know make it self sustaining.

YOU are a perfect example of liberalism.

In NYC, a few thousand families out of a million+ households pay 84% of the freight. You think it should be 90%? I hope you know what would happen is just 5% of them move out, go bankrupt, or have a bad year, don’t you?

I agree - you work hard to get out of middle or low income, and your reward is a higher tax and increasingly you are asked to pay for others. I am not rich either, but it does suck that if you become rich, you are a target to solve every social injustice. Shouldn’t the people using the system pay for it?

Get out of here with your marxist bullshit.

I am not rich. I would not be affected by this tax because I don’t make over 1ook, much less 500K and I don’t live in NY. However, why should people be penalized just because they are rich? Most people who are rich worked hard and took risk to get there. They already pay the majority of the income taxes. Also, rich

Because this guy is a joke. His headlines are jokes and his stories are even worse. This is the first story of his I’ve read in a while, because he prefers good old fashioned communism. Fuck this guy.

Because, it sounds less intrusive, In reality it’s bullshit. $112.00 a month tax for being successful.

As if Billionaires file W2 income anyway.