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Mmm. I have to love that star-spangled Acura, too, because I laughed way too hard at this little edit that’s making the rounds:

*insert comment from NYer complaining about NYC*

So are the subways getting worse and worse every day, or are you all just burried in shit-subway content and writing articles on it as fast as you can?

Can I clock out of work, and be at a bar drinking an ice cold beer while watching the sunset over the pacific from my bar stool 15 minutes later? I can’t? Let’s apply at Honda right down the street.

And for some people who went they’re only going to finish up a few years and then coming back to CA. I know some who decided to keep their house here and get a cheap APT in Plano and just suck it up for a few years until they retire.

I would of thought they’d try harder then that.

Nope, still waiting on BMW to get airbags

...That won’t always spin.

Too bad, he could have started an almost affordable race car career.

Japanese management will never admit they made a mistake. They’ll creep right up that line, make it sound like an apology and swifty retreat. It’s a japanese culture problem which created the Takata issue. You’ll never get anyone in power to admit that though.

GM is structured to show chevy as a profit center, and the brands that develop technology and platforms and innovate, simply an expense or liability. They just need to make the books look good this year. If they’re developing new car platforms internally, I doubt it? I’m sure with the truck boom they’ll just let the

2nd Gear: GM Is Now Paying The French $5.5 Billion To Take Sad Failing Opel Off Their Hands

1st Gear: This is emblematic of Japanese corporate culture. Your loyalty is to the company, and the company’s loyalty is to the investors. Loyalty is valued first, product competency comes second, and personal responsibility is way down on the list at something like tenth. People get it drilled into their heads that

Be like all the stance boys swap in a JDM steering wheel.

Just keep reminding yourself that you’re ripping the flesh off of sentient beings with no means of protecting themselves, that can not even run from vehicles running over their roots to violently rip their torsos from their legs, which are then burnt to clear the ground for the next harvest. Or the next time you bite

I’ll bet you’re loads of fun at parties.

I attempted to get a project like this off the ground outside of my home city up here in Calgary with the standard compliment of community resources, but adding things like heated over-winter storage garages for summer rides (it’s Canada after all), a “community center” where you can book time in the work bays (most

Yes, a gated community.

All of them...duh.