
If that is the case the dashcam owner practices backwards courtesy which is a leading cause of congestion, annoyance, and collisions. Backward courtesy is where the person practicing it decides to be nice to person A at the expense of person B instead of following the written rules of the road.

Yesterday I was in the left lane on a three lane highway (I was preparing to pass a car in the center lane), when out of no where, a person entering the highway from an on ramp decides to cut over all three lanes and slot in in front of me, cutting me off in the process. Three lanes to get into the left lane! They

OK. Here’s what needs to happen. In the middle of the next Gymkhana video, I want to see this: [screaming burning tires, lots of smoke, roaring engine]

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

I had some cabbage rolls earlier, and OY my Sport Wind.

C5 corvette headlight conversions....

This. God I HATE (love) Harbor Freight crap.

The only thing dumber than some of us is all of us, together.


It’s not a VIN it’s a WIN 😬

This might be the best one so far.

Congratulations, Mr. Drakkon - The Reverend D Magic Slither, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a motorcycle which this lovely lady, Denise Milani, will deliver as soon as she finds a helmet.

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that”

You know how people keep complaining about having their comments grayed?

Suck a bunch of time and energy from Volkswagen’s legal team, Squeeze every dollar out of their retribution funds, Bang goes the gavel, Blow my share of the winnings in under six months. Repeat as needed.”

Dear Haas F1,

My greatest surprise, though it was through no fault but my own, was with my Porsche 944 Turbo/951. I had put on an aftermarket turbo, which on these cars is located underneath a long, curving aluminum intake that sweeps from the head on the passenger side all the way over to the driver’s side, and things were going

Bluetec was encouraged, was never given, had almost zero issues.