
can you imagine? That'd be really something special

same, I keep it cornered in my second screen. Only sad thing is Netflix doesnt work on my work computers as they require admin access to install silverlight so I have to stick with Project Free Tv

yeah, I think I already broke the replay button. thanks, its a slow job but ashley barret does help :)

wasnt there a Ted Talk about this? Sounds really cool

True, I get the feeling they went for a bit of a different tone in this one, which either way I enjoy. Still have good memories after everything is said and done. Ashley Barret, what a voice :)

I've been listening to this all morning. My job consists of responding to company emails and while most days its infuriating and boring, today has been pure bliss listening to this soundtrack. I LOVE what they've done with this soundtrack. Heck, I think it has stronger songs than even Bastion in some cases [though

I dont know, maybe he expected people to have fun with it and have a laugh or something :)

dammit I knew I missed something :(

Eventually Veix deleted the app. "I got sick of my phone being overloaded with Tinder notifications and awful messages. Even if you're a dog, online dating is terrible," he concluded.

Fish. Dog. Kevin Spacey. What else did you want from a game?


Oh. Wordplay! Well played :)

- The video is styracosausome, but what about livestreams??

However, they were clay jars filled with rupees and other assorted goodies, not glass vases filled with water. The mystery is what kept me going. That and the occasional hearts that were inside.

You cant prove anything!!

That's pretty cool. My main issue with Man-At-Arms is the fact that they only attack little things like a soda bottle or a glass vase. Sure, its cool in slow-mo but practically I'd like to see a sword cleave through something that has the same... 'oomph'.

Tacos: The American Dream.

well I can respect that

I've never really understood the appeal of saving 4 cents off a new release. With tax, it'll come out to nearly the same wont it? Then again, I'm the guy who blows every paycheck on pizza rolls, wine and night court tapes off of ebay.

I havent even played it once. Never really drew me in.