
Good review. However, I don’t know if I would personally suggest for others to pick up the game, especially at $60.

I’m not saying the games are straight up bad - my Uwe Boll analogy is weak, now that I look back on this. However, the main idea I was wanting to convey was that Uwe Boll has these high expectations and vision for the films he works on, but when it finally releases, it’s a disappointment compared to what was promised.


We’re finally in the Bob Ross meta everyone!!

School and Destiny have taken my Dota time unfortunately.

This is a great way to farm for exotics. Got the Telesto, such a great support PvE fusion rifle and such a powerful PvP Gun. I will say though, I’m generally taking on average 6 coins to find 1 exotic, with an random run around 10 coins for 1 exotic with these runs. But it sure beats everything else.

I’m pleased to see you made this moral sacrifice on matter of principle in regards to paid DLC. Isn’t that noble? (sarcasm)


Thorn is a good gun, but honestly I care more about utility in any situation rather than just PvP for most fights. Like, I’m still hunting that Hawkemoon to no avail... :( #tenmonthsandcounting


Woof? (translation: Whuck?)


Agreed. I also think that Valve likes to imagine that they are ahead of the curve when it comes to strategy and planning. Its just they forget everyone else isn’t in the same boat with the same movie playing. They need to communicate a bit more widely more often than not and understand that everyone can’t see what

Now playing

While watching this, I just got this song stuck in my head:

Great read!

Whats great about this patch is how supports have been generally buffed to stand on their own and get some really crazy items that can change a team fight dynamic

Agreed. This game holds a sweet spot in my memories and if others ask for a recommendation, I’ll give it. However, it does stagnate if you’re familiar with the story and events. But its the little moments, such as the Night Springs shorts and the such that really tickle the romantic inside of me that I’ve attempted to

This is really sad. This is easily one of the top three games I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. I mean, there’s games I’m looking forward to checking out when they release, and then there are games I’m actually looking for anything and everything about.