This is just old school awesome
This is just old school awesome
This is legitimately, really, fucking cool. And in the best way possible. I've been honestly waiting for something along these lines to come out. There's a soft spot for sci-fi shooters/horror survival-ish games in my heart
The ending for Velociraptors in the Library was certainly... unexpected and emotional =/
Well, that’s certainly not subtle, is it?
Oh wow, this is not good at all! Hopefully they get this patched ASAP.
Great article, but I’m not sure if I agree having a surrender option entirely (tho there are valid points).
This EXACT thing happened to me. My ego was gone after that :D
for a moment there, I thought this was about Kentucky Route Zero and Xanadu... alas... one can dream, right?
Thank you so much for your response!
Hi! Big fan of DAI, and have been really excited to see what else is coming from all you fine folks at BioWare!
I can't wait to get into this world.
That's actually a really cool concept, and if its done right, I can see this being a pretty big thing
it's not the BEST RPG ever, but in my book, it comes really close. Great story, wonderful music, and variety in story game-play and decisions. If you've ever played Radiant Historia, this is sort of the genesis for that game.
When Marle thinks its funny you scarf down some old geezer's lunch, then later have him testify against your character as a bad person for stealing his lunch. The first time that happened, well... I don't blame the verdict at that trial :D
This was a thoughtful read, thank you. I personally have sort of flip flopped on both sides of the issue and finally settled to believe in something, but at the same time, I do feel the same doubts encountered while pursuing the world as explored through games that makes me question what do I actually believe.
Do you like movies? Do you like video games? If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, you should probably skip The Order: 1886.
thats the problem though, one team can get the upgrades while another could be unfortunate enough to not afford it. Its not likely to happen a lot, but the problem revolves on the issue that it could, you know?
I think the main problem though is by the fact that the system simply places it there. I'm fine if they do it with the Arcana set, giving all those points, but shouldn't regular players without money be able to afford points regardless if someone in their game has it? I've played over 20 or 30 games since the event…