
Fortnite could easily allow you to resell the skins you buy if they wanted to. It would be extremely simple, but extremely pointless as well because it doesnt make them money. And you dont have to use blockchain to do it either. Fuck, Diablo had a marketplace over a decade ago that you could sell weapons at

Don’t mind me, I’m just rolling around in all this sweet, sweet money I get for negging on NFTs, paid by... paid by... um... you know... the anti-NFT lobby!

I usually hate portmanteaus, but “Squenix” needs to be canon.

That’s because there isn’t anything they can be used for that isn’t already being done with simpler technology.  

Many Fortnite players, and maybe even some of the people who birthed Fortnite players, were not alive for Apple’s famous masterstroke of corporate propaganda commercial.

<i>Dune</i>: The <i>Kotaku</i> Review

Dune is an experience so broken I don’t even know where to begin. Except to say it’s the best board game I’ve played

Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.

Lovecraftian describes a certain style of cosmic horror and weird fiction popularized but not created or pioneered by Lovecraft. Many authors writing similar stories before, during, and after his career were much better. But, Lovecraft had lore, and nerds fucking love lore.

Locked Out

Lorenzo Lanfranconi is an artist from Italy.

2+ hours of nothing much happening

Surprised not to see The Lighthouse or Booksmart on here. I’m sure they made some of the individual lists. Midsommar, Jojo Rabbit, and The Art of Self-Defense are my other favorites that didn’t make the cut.

The same world where he can block the president doing his job for six years and no one bats an eye.

This makes no sense. The senate is supposed to act as a jury right? So in what world does the lead juror get to openly say that he’s going to support, and take cues from the accused person’s lawyers???

There aren’t enough bad things to cover all the bad things that should happen to McConnell.

yeeeeaaaah...I don’t think I agree with your assessment. I think the show is going for honest portrayal of a family that has never, ever been forced to reckon with its past,with its “demons,” so to speak. I don’t belivee it is going for cliche.

I lost your thread. I really tried to follow it. Way too much division between what you saw and what I saw on the TV screen. Can’t say as I agree with anything you wrote after the Bluth comment. It’s a horror story, for christ’s sake. Chill and stop trying to over analyze it as if this is literature. I’d hate to see

I think Hugh meant that the danger is that Steven CAN see the ghosts but he refuses or just doesn’t recognize them for what they are — i.e., he thinks they’re real, living people, not ghosts or tricks or illusions. He’s easier for Hill House to manipulate than his siblings, who are, paradoxically, more wary and