Heather Simon

This image may have been made during the planning of this video:

People were expecting NEW games for their NEW next gen console. Not a bunch of ports of current gen games.

Kind of a weak lineup considering a few of these are just ports of free-2-play games you can already find on the PC, hell one of them is a port of an old flash game. Not to mention 5 of these titles are just re-releases of PS3 games.

I'd be more impressed if most of these "launch" titles hadn't already been out from weeks to years already.

You're a kind soul. Thank you!

Given the past history of Jezebel, I think this is one of those cakes that's all about the icing.

I think it's less about her being proud of something, and her being proud of something that has problematic implications to it (the subliminal message being that she is now a better/strong/more attractive person having lost the weight), and that this is suddenly such a huge Media Darling story.

I think that if someone takes drastic measures to improve their health, that's phenomenal and should be celebrated.

I agree, but to celebrate it to the point of putting it on the news is a little...weird. To me.

Plus, it clearly says she ate a high fat diet and that her trend-diet, not any particular change in her exercise habits, propelled her weight loss. It's dumb to talk about health and goals and crap and to ignore the fact that, in a few years, statistically, she's likely to be even heavier than she was.

I think there is a bit more to it than that. Her being proud of what she did is one thing, and so is her posting it on a forum of her own choosing. I'm not sure that this particular accomplishment is a good choice for reposting on this particular forum, both because of the heated discussions it tends to inspire and

Will you marry me, please?

We know nothing about her health, or if the long term effects of living on a bacon diet won't be worse for her body than carrying extra weight.

No, lots of us regularly applaud women for deciding to be happy and accepting themselves. You make a cool gif illustrating that and I will give you two big thumbs up on the internet!

That's great, here's a high-five (not sarcastic). Seriously, I'm glad that you feel healthier and happier by not giving a fuck. Not everyone is like you. Some people (myself included) feel really, really, bad when they are overweight - it's not just about vanity and cultural norms.

Yes, eating a high fat diet and not particularly exercising is definitely healthy if you lose weight.

You mean, by eating a high fat diet and not exercising?

While I agree that the last thing we need (on a feminist site, yet) is more fat-shaming/thin-lauding, my take on this was more simply "cool gif" than "oh, she looks better now."

I've only done a few pro bono family law cases, so I'm no expert, but I am a lawyer who is diagnosed with Bipolar II. I go to work every day, where I do really complex work and do it well. My clients are all very happy. I just got a big raise, so I guess my boss is happy with me. I'm a good mom and my child is healthy

Because she totally DID NOT LOOK GREAT when she was pregnant.