Heather Simon

This comment section so far.

Not getting all the hate. Weiner was (is?) a real champion of real liberal causes and was one of the only New York politicians to come out strongly against the war in Iraq back in 2003. He did something a lot of people do. He lied about it because it is still not socially acceptable. It’s sad really.

Yes!!! I read so many of these things. My favorite Regency authors are Tessa Dare, Amanda Quick, Julia Quinn, Mary Balogh, Mary Jo Putney, Lisa Kleypas, Eloisa James, and Stephanie Laurens. I’m probably forgetting people. But Regency romance is one of my favorite genres. :)


I have an exclusive pic of the wedding:

How about letting people decide how to enjoy the media they consume? Not everyone is the same, not all spoilers are equal.

Dude, I wouldn't worry about him/her too much. Look at their user name. Ayn Rand and the Jebus? That positively screams troll.

Yes because boy is having a president who has a big enough penis to where he doesn't have to declare war with every country to make himself feel better about himself is such a bad thing. Boy he's so effeminate, doing what he's supposed to and keeping our nation out of war.

Oh totally. But I'm a GT Old. We're talking about the 1970's here :)


He's not threatening to spoil the details of a series of fantasy novels. He's threatening to use his knowledge of a series of fantasy novels to spoil the details of a racy television show.

It doesn't sound like his students necessarily read the books- it sounds more like, having read the books himself, he's threatening to spoil the show for them. I don't think that in any era a show with as much violence, sex, and nudity as Game of Thrones would fail to be popular among adolescents, regardless of the

Ha! My 4th Grade teacher used to "smack" you. And by "smack", she would put on a heavy coat of this horrible red-orange lipstick and put a big old smacky-kiss mark on your cheek. You had to wear it the rest of the day. The whole school knew. (The parents loved it.)

I sincerely hope this is true.
When I taught grade 5 I (like most teachers) would finish the year off with a movie. One year it was Star Wars, and we had been building up to it for a whole term. However, one kid in particular had been a complete arse for the whole year, and I gave him a bunch of warnings with no

Think about that second sentence for a while.

I have a deep appreciation for when someone takes the time for a nicely worded take-down instead of going for the cheap and quick insult.

I don't think Jez had ever made any claim of that nature about its commenters, and that's where the fat-hating bullshit always comes from. I know a lot of people like to think of Jez comments as a "safe space" when it comes things like body-shaming, but that really hasn't true since the implementation of Kinja 1.0,

There really are, though I forgot to include the detail that the experience happened on Gawker (though the original comment I made was on Jez). As bad as Jez can be when it comes to bullshit about body size, Gawker is painfully worse.