Heather Simon

I’ve been looking forward to this article since I saw your name and photo in a news article on Brian Mason issuing licenses, and I wasn’t disappointed - it was a lovely read. Many warm felicitations on your wedding.

Your intimacy issues run far deeper if you'd be hurt by your boyfriend choosing his hand over you.

Your ex's inability to deal does not mean masturbation is not healthy or that many men are able to view porn without it being an issue.

The family doesn't want compassion, they want their daughter back and have deluded themselves into thinking the machines will provide it for them.

Jahi is brain-dead. Her corpse is on a breathing machine. She is no longer a "little girl".

I missed this due to shenanigans in my life at the time. You'll be missed, but thanks for continuing to contribute to the community (amazing alliteration!) and for bringing us Mark. :)

Or, "walk in, realize what he's doing, and enthusiastically join in".

Holy shitballs, is there anyone on the Jezebel staff who can take criticism without getting all bitchy about it?

There are many people who talk just as much shit about "girls they know personally".

She sounds stable.

Your avatar is hypnotizing.

Good for you - protect yourself first. No one else will. Learned that one the hard way in life.

My husband's father passed away Thanksgiving weekend from an apparent heroin OD. It's fucking tragic.

She was already pregnant. She could either have an abortion (omg bad idea, according to OP), or have a baby (which, if you ask me, is a MUCH WORSE idea). There are no other options when you get to that point.

"Literally did nothing". Seriously?

What, she should have kept the baby? Can I have some of what you're smoking?

I saw that and responded with a "mind! blown!" gif and they told me to "use my words". I'm like, "honey, you're not worth the effort."

"The grieving" are included in "everyone", so, fuck off maybe.

You're a troll, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt: I don't think they care much about the bones of elephants they didn't know.

I cried the first time I saw it, 15 or more years ago, and it's stuck with me ever since.