Heather Simon

I'm bipolar ii. One of my not-so-irrational fears is that my husband will dump me* for a younger model and get sole custody of our daughter because of my diagnosis. I've seen it happen.

I'd be curious what any family lawyer-jezzies have to say, but I'd think most judges would be really reluctant to have someone's mental health history decide how custody is determined. If someone is bipolar and a great mom, why wouldn't she have fair chance to keep her kids? Now, if her illness affects her parenting,

No, nope, not ready for christmas shit! It's 88 degrees in my apartment and sweating my balls off. bah humbug!

And even if it is something she does end up struggling with on a daily basis, that's okay. Having bipolar disorder doesn't mean you failed at something. It's just a way your brain works and something you may have to deal with.

Penelope, that strange and beautiful Ricci as a pig movie. It's actually really sweet and the cast is awesome.

And coming in November, celebrate the holiest month with Munich, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Bond! Bond! Bond! Rama-Daniel Craig, only on HBO!

I HAVE AN IPHONE and a pair of shoes that cost $70!!!

Ha! It's funny because her character's name is Shoshanna!

Yeah. Seriously. As someone who has been 100% asymptomatic from a similarly profound mental disorder for over 5 years...FUCK THAT SHIT.

Oh she has a 200k ruby?! How nice. I have a 200k house.

J.Lo "made it clear" that Taylor's friends were not permitted to "look in her direction or speak to her."

I think the percentage of women who have cellulite is something like 90%. Even thin women have it.

I have to add unsalted pretzels to the list of disappointments. What's the point of crackers or pretzels with no salt? Are we expected to drench them with our salty, salty tears to get the salty goodness we crave?

And I love you for citing Gilbert Blythe.

I actually am shocked by Sharon Stone's cellulite.

Anna divorced fellow dancer and Gilbert Blythe lookalike Jonathan Roberts last year. I haven't watched DWTS since Apollo Ohno won, but I loved Jonathan and Anna. :(

Unsalted crackers are the worst. Seriously, I'd rather eat sand because at least I'd know what I was getting into instead of being horribly disappointed.

I thought Anna Trebunskaya was married??

Lauren Conrad is still getting magazine covers? She's pretty...but just so...bland.