Heather Simon

I'm assuming this will get buried, but hey. As the organizer of the protest against Judge Baugh here in Billings last week, I think there are a few heartening notes to take away from this whole situation — among them, the fact that three women (two of whom were victims of abuse themselves) have spearheaded a

Going by this guy, I'd say you're overqualified.

"Older than her chronological age"? "Was as much in control of the situation as he was"? WTH? She was just a child! She most definitely was not in control of the situation. I feel for this girl and her family. I hope they get justice.

I know someone that was found guilty of propositioning a minor (16 or 17) with weed and alcohol and he was sentenced to 10 years.

Someone must have reminded him that his term is almost up. How is that election going to go for you, Judge?

When I first heard about this story last week, I called his office. Straight to voicemail, what a surprise!

So we've got a judge who admits he doesn't know what rape is and doesn't know how sentencing works? Aren't those two rather important facts to know if you're a FREAKING JUDGE?

Hey, I used to manage a Baskin Robbins does that mean I can be a judge in Montana too?!?

I mean, this is good news so I'm happy about it, but the other part of me is like....FUCK YOU DUDE. You're a JUDGE. It shouldn't take the outrage of the internet to make you do your fucking job right. It's one of the most important jobs out there. Act like it.

It's worse? It's worse than thousands of women getting raped and murdered and literally nobody giving a shit for 20 years? It's worse than two decades of living under constant threat of rape and murder? Worse than thousands of families losing their loved ones and getting no justice? Thousands of unpunished murders are

That's ridiculous. She is a rape victim, as she said herself. Most likely, she targeted her attackers. She probably recognized them.

My feelings for vigilantism are many-fold. Moral: like the death penalty, if one innocent person dies, it ain't worth it. Practical: it's potentially dangerous and you could get yourself killed. Legal: due process and all that. Naturally all of this is muddied by the fact that, in this case, we have a grossly

Good grief, it took me sooooooo long to get this reference. Seriously, I am 100.

I'll suggest that you raped someone.

It's easy to condemn vigilantism when society is set up to protect you and your rights. Notice that the police turned out in full force to protect MALE bus drivers after just two male deaths. Unknown thousands of femicides take place every year in Mexico and the US as a matter of course and are treated as a matter of

Sounds like you have a guilty conscience. Please, save the mansplaining for elsewhere and if it is so bad over here, be gone with you and your trolling.

She is most likely one of the victims as stated in the story. Which means that she may have first hand knowledge. Unlike you.

I completely agree with this assessment. I highly doubt any irrational conclusions will be jumped to and no one will resort to petty insults, name calling or profanity. Let's make a pot of tea, shall we?

Something tells me that reaction to this story is going to be entirely measured with no extreme positions taken. that case, I'll take 2 please.