Heather Simon

She's "seen this so many times?" What, this week? She's so young. Not to get all elderly and cane-wavy and whatnot, but SHE IS SO YOUNG. I hope she is still around 30 years from now and can look back at this and be all "yeah... I was a fucking moron." Or, she'll be 50 and still trying to act 20 like Madonna.

We all knew you didn't think about it, Miley. That's kinda the problem.

Aaaaand all together now y'all, collective eye roll on three....1....2......3!

"'You know we’re about to make history right now?' What's amazing is, I think, now we're three days later they're still talking about it."

"Like, I didn't even think about it, 'cause that's just me."


Such a well-spoken, intelligent, insightful, and brave young woman. Go Malala!

I don't think I've ever admired anyone before the way I admire her. It kills me that she isn't idolized more. Why aren't my nieces putting pictures of her on their walls instead of Taylor Swift?


You're right. You should at least be making $60K so your kids can get decent food, medicine, and live in a place adequate for them.

Yeah, fuck them. I can't enjoy my own success if it means OTHER PEOPLE can live comfortably and securely. It just ruins it for ME.

Standing on your feet all day to cook and serve food isn't a real job, you say? Please, tell us more about how college graduates are more deserving of the chance to live healthy and productive lives.

I felt like the whole 'dickwolf' thing was blown out of proportion. The original strip itself was harmless, and I say that as someone who has been raped before. What bothered me was the follow-up Mike and Jerry did. It was more than flippant, it was outright disrespectful. It was the first and only time I've ever sent

in some cases it's also a big fuck you to what the fetus needs - in my case we found out in the second trimester that our fetus was missing a large portion of his brain. to have that child would have been a big "fuck you" to him and most definitely not an act of love as he would have been a vegetable his entire life.

Absolutely progress, and very nice to see, but "I am not the biggest fan of abortion" just makes me very tired. Everyone is always sure that abortion is bad until they need it. And then it's still bad in general; it's just okay for them because they really needed it. This is just as true (if not more so) for the

I'll be honest it still baffles me a little that people, who have no interest in ever having an aborti0n, can go so out of their way to simply stop you or anyone else from getting one.

I have nothing snarky to say about this. Seeing abortion discussed as if it's not the worst possible thing that can ever happen from which women will never recover is a wonderful, wonderful thing!

I did. I played for 5 hours, got to a good stopping point and then figured I could get back on later since it only took a couple seconds. Boy was I wrong. And it's really sad too because there's just an entire town that isn't moving at all because the people there aren't actually playing.

I understand it's a joke, but if enough people do that....