Heather Simon

Personally I love Burning man - I wish it was larger, and longer. If you haven't been, especially if you're a SoCal transplant aching to find yourself? Go! Be free with all the little hipster creative types! Dance the dance of your people while wearing Toms and whatever culturally insensitive thing you've

It's more fucked up than you think. The feds will confiscate people's shelter & the entire contents within including food, water, gear, insulin & other prescriptions. I have a lawyer friend whose burn was ruined last year because she spent half her time advocating for the rights of those arrested.

It is a joyous time when the burners leave. Our neighbor three houses down jumped in his 90K Range Rover and left for La Playa today. He hopes to come back a changed man. We hope he comes less of a douche bag.

I was not at ALL prepared for that when I opened this article.

I don't have herpes, I use protection, but I'm not an ignorant redneck who thinks that it will automatically stop 100% of STIs. The only 100% effective method is abstinence, which is lucky for you since you obviously aren't getting any.

Penises have never seemed right to me. They just...hang there. Don't get me started on ball sacks. Seems like if the Good Lord were to design a perfect sperm delivery system, it would look a hell of a lot better in God's Own Daylight. Seems like. I should run for some sort of office. 'Cause I have a lot more

If we make women wear sack cloth and ashes and crawl over ground glass while flailing themselves, will that make it "feel right"?

Trolling asshole says what?

Yeah, you cannot fuck around when it comes to wiener dogs and their firm conviction that they are the most fucking important thing in your world ever, period. Introducing a new animal or baby to the home of a dachshund is like trying to throw a birthday party for a Jehovah's Witness who has lived locked in a religious

I know this makes you feel big, and I understand. A lot of dudes with inferiority complexes act like you do to feel bigger. It's lame, pathetic, and sorry, but understandable.

I wrote a similar comment. I agree 100% with you- so many people have HSV 1 and 2 the stigma is unwarranted. It is so contagious that I would not be surprised at all if everyone at one point tests positive for the antibodies. I have actually had bladder and yeast infections that were 1000% more complicated and

Actually, Herpes 1 can be moved from the lips down to the vagina or penis by, you know, scratching that area after touching a sore. As well, condoms do not fully prevent the spread of herpes, so you have to make sure to ask. Finally, your religious or just plain judge-y beliefs are not, thank the great Kahuna,

haha! i was gonna say, hey is that a member of the Westboro Baptist Church??? lol

Well, considering herpes can be transmitted through skin to skin contact — meaning condom do not 100% protect you from transmission — I am going to say that you have no idea what you are talking about.

LW#1 - fuck that girl. My dad punched my dog and we haven't spoken for over 4 years (his choice). It doesn't matter how much of a dick you personally were being, nobody has the right to punch your cat. Or you. So, fuck her. And her friends. You are better off.

I tested positive for it and freaked out. Until I realized I've probably had it for 10+ years and never had an outbreak. For me, it's just not an issue at all. If most people who have it don't even know, it's obviously not that huge of a problem. At least those of us who know are responsible enough to get checked.

Herpes is almost (not entirely, but almost) harmless. Most people with herpes never have an outbreak. Of those who do, most have only one. Of those who have more than one, most don't have regular outbreaks that cause any real problems.