Heather Simon

Or the "leave" option.

And if the person still insists on inviting death, Cat-Chonne here will give it to them in spades:

Seriously. All her shit would be in the middle of the street— on fire— Waiting to Exhale style.

Who punches a cat?! What the hell.

"Quick, vaccinate them!" did me in. The whole office heard me explode into giggles. Props to Jessica, what an articulate comment. Had that been me, I wouldn't have been able to say it so nicely or concisely (ooh, rhymes, I got them). Last, those damn grillz make them look like they have dirty teeth, Pensatucky

I hate Grillz and I can not stand madonna, its like the perfect match.

Same. I've always liked Khloe and her relationship with Lamar. When I say I hate the Kardashians, I really mean Kris and Kim.

That is what is so frustrating about this. Khloe and Lamar were always the exception when people raged about this family; "I hate the Kartrashians, except Khloe, she seems awesome." If he really does have an addiction, whatever it may be, I hope he gets help. If this is a smear campaign to garner sympathy for Khloe,

Thank you for kind honest words. So many times people see celebs with millions of dollars and act like we shouldn't feel any sympathy when something like this comes along. I'm ab avid NBA fan and this situation does bring into perspective the last few years of his career, I truly hope he gets help.

I will!

I'm not an avid Kardashians viewer, but Lamar always seemed so genuinely sweet and gentle, and he clearly adored Khloe. I hope that he's able to get help.

See - this theory doesn't make any sense to me? Why drugs? Why would they be sending him to rehab? what would they have to gain?

If any of this is true, the man is sick. He's the son of an addict, and it sounds like his childhood environment was less than stable. His career has come with an abundance of opportunities, but I'm sure it has more than its fair share of temptation and hangers-on, too.


"Hashtag: sensual" is my new everything. I will be saying this following every thought and action in my future.

I enjoy digesting things. Do you have any silicates or nitrogen?

I have several rows of teeth right behind these.

Lindy -