Heather Simon

god forbid Jez link to it on the main page where people could find it easily. Naw... better just run a year old Dodai piece instead.

There have been lots of things happening on twitter lately

That's it. The next time I go for a walk, I'm going to call it going homo-erected.

Just edit your hosts file in Windows using notepad (run notepad as administrator)C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.txt

Essentially, if you can get in to change a website's registration information, you can ALSO point it to another IP address, essentially taking over the site until they can go through the trials and tribulations of contacting their IP registrar and straightening out the fiasco. I would assume that the NY Times and

In the case of NYTimes, they were able to change DNS name servers. Also if they were set up as a contact, they could theoretically transfer the domain to another registrar.

I feel your pain. I had childhood crushes, in order, on Michael Jackson, Doogie Howser, and Lance Bass. Such a tragic list.

If she was a sound mind why did she end up killing herself? You know what fuck this shit.

Is it bad that I am sincerely wishing for this guy to get mauled by a stray grizzly bear? Because that is the only thing going through my mind right now that is keeping me from punching a rage hole in my wall. If there are no grizzly bears in the region, another large animal would do as well.

Did anyone say Ron Paul?

An awful lot of nonsense in the comments below. Here's what's mostly likely to happen.

We stayed out of Cambodia's and Rwanda's "internal conflicts" too. How well did those end?

There's nothing else we could be spending that money on, folks. NOTHING AT ALL.

Yes, there are. But to see how they get treated just look at Colin Powell and Jon Huntsman.

A good friend of my family is an F-15E pilot, and he has been very unexpectedly deployed to Qatar. So there may be some of those in battle plans too.

My only problem is that I'm too short to put stuff very high. *sigh*