Heather Simon

isn't the gov't still slowly closing down due to sequester?

"when it comes to the moneymaker she pushed out of her own vagina."

I'm not really a homebirthing, au natural delivery-type person, but I actually got to do that with my last one! Midwife was like, "Reach down and take him!" So I did. It was freaky-fucking-deaky.

I am astonished to report that he actually voted against this. I am truly amazed. I almost don't want to know why, because I'll find out it was because of some technicality or something. I'd much rather believe that even between a Tea Party Golden Boy like him and a Lefty Feminist like me, there can be some common shit.

Because most women getting abortions aren't getting them because it sounds like fun. Women don't usually receive ultrasounds after very early in their pregnancy until about 20 weeks. They go in to their ultrasound to be told their baby has health problems, or has some chromosomal abnormality that is incompatible

I may be in Canada but my interpretation of *bonked* mirrors yours, so I also got thrown for a major loop. For a few seconds there, I swear my head was cocked to one side.

" me destroy my Boondock Saints posters."

Late term abortions are usually due to severe fetal defects (as in, it won't live more than a very short time after birth if at all) or a risk to the mother's health, and they account for very few of the abortions that are performed. I imagine that there are many other reasons why a woman might seek a late term

You can't get an abortion at this late unless it endangers your life or if the fetus's death is inevitable. These women want their babies, which is why they've remained pregnant so long. It's a heartbreaking and maybe life-threatening personal matter to end a pregnancy past 20 weeks. Which is why this bill is so

As someone wrote earlier, terminations after 20 weeks only make up 1.3% of all abortions and are typically because the fetus is no longer viable or will not survive to or long after birth. Of course, the woman's life being in danger is another reason. Women almost never get an abortion that late just because they

My corgi does the same thing. When that happens, I just put my feet up on the coffee table and let her play through.

Money problems, not knowing they are pregnant (it happened to my mom, it does happens). Also pressure from relatives to keep it when they don't want to.

From what I understand, late-term abortions generally happen for one of two reasons:

1) The person couldn't get one earlier (due to money, distance, etc.)

2) The pregnancy is found to be medically futile (that is, it will result in a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant that will live for only a very short, painful time)

The really tragic thing is this: in that tiny percentage of people who have to have an abortion after 21 weeks, so many of those people wanted desperately to have a baby. They are devastated that the child they loved is going to die. Having these unbelievable—ugh, what word is bad enough?— stick their stupid noses

Ah, gotcha.

What the actual fuck is wrong with these numb nut dickheads?! Why the fuck are they against women & their right to choose? If I had the opportunity, I'd ask that to one of them directly. So help me, if they say it's god, or some other dumb fuck excuse like that, I will slap the stupid out of them while screaming, "Ther

Wait, I get it now. It's been a long day.

It appears that no other Brits are awake yet to read this, but "bonked" means "having le special cuddles with". So the Rihanna bulletpoint seems rather different to those of us from Ye Olde Country.

Yeah, you're not biased at all Mr. or Ms. ReggieBushLateral. You just had your own baby with your fiancee. It's time for you to move on from this relationship or stop blasting the Kardashians on the internet until you grow up. Get a life! Sheesh!