Heather Simon

"Like, it's basically just an invisible potato unless I use some expensive finger-paint to draw some eyeballs on it."

Maybe because it's kinda reminiscent of A Klockwork Orange

-I could go the rest of my life without seeing a childbirth and I'd be fine. I was horrified enough by that goddamn "Miracle of Life" video I saw in the fifth grade. Those monsters.

-Sssh, sssh Amy Adams. Just sssh.

I. too, have a bland potato-face without makeup! Although I describe myself as a boiled egg. Super gingery hair, blonde eyelashes and eyebrows. At this point in my life I'm a fucking Picasso with an eyebrow pencil. Potato-faces, unite!

I believe you meant "Kim's krowning koochamdoodle."

They are saying maybe Kai for short- which I love that name (provided it is pronounced Keye not Kay).

I am guessing in order to pimp her new talk show, Kris will have the baby debut on television. It sickens me on a daily basis that this family is so relevant that they are in the news every single day.

Congrats to Greg Louganis. Though I must say, I thought he and Steve Kmetko made the most gorgeous couple EVAH!

mazel tov! I have long since learned that's there only a few things to tell an expectant mother: that they look *amazing* (no matter how big or how far along they are) and best wishes for an easy birth. you don't want to hear anything else, nor should you.

For potato crime, there is only Potato Judge, and his verdict is GEEEEEELLLLLTTYY!!!

These old ladies, man. They do not care. My mother is like that. She wears denim overalls EVERYWHERE. Feisty little thing, says what she thinks.


Wanna bet that we'll see Kris' kamera work soon on an upcoming two-hour special Kardashia-shit-show? Kanye: Your sperm may have been sacred, but never try to kome between Kris and her kajillions.

Shut up, Busy. Swear to dog, I saw an elderly woman today who was obviously bra-less. My prevailing feeling was ENVY. Some day I will have spent all my fucks and will gladly horrify the public with my loose amd aired-out fun bags.

I suppose it depends on the princess.

Wait, Amanda Bynes called somebody handsome? Definitely a fake Twitter. The Amanda I know only calls people ugly!

From Here to Eternity. It's a pretty iconic romantic scene, but all I think about is the mess.

Seconded. The cringe worthy mess about her surgeries feels way over the top to me.

I was never really a big fan of Anna Kendrick one way or another - until I started following her on Twitter. Now I want to be her friend/ hang out with her/ drink with her. Also, they started principal photography on The Last 5 Years yesterday, and I am so excited to see the finished project. I absolutely love that