Heather Simon

Is this Russell Brand Day and I forgot to set my alarm again?

Wait, the repressed daughter of a preacher had a bad ending with the flamboyant rock star who is very candid about his battles with destructive influences? And she sounds vindictive?

Huh. I'll have a Coke.

I'm not a big fan of Katy Perry for a big variety of reasons. But I must say that i have never been a drinker of the Russell Brand Kool-aid. The man is flawed- DEEPLY flawed and if any one of us Jezzies were to get involved with a man who had an identical history, we would tell her to run FAR away.

“When I was a kid," Orr replied, "I used to walk around all day with crab apples in my cheeks. One in each cheek."

... A minute passed. "Why?" [Yossarian] found himself forced to ask finally.

Orr tittered triumphantly. "Because they're better than horse chestnuts... When I couldn't get crab apples," Orr continued, "I

Why the hell don't more men get angry at this crap? This guy is basically saying to men, "You are a crazed, hormonally controlled monster who could suddenly snap and throw the nearest female to the ground. Mother, daughter, sister, wife, friend, boss—it doesn't matter."

Everyone, send your own letters to the editor! I find it extremely cathartic:


Hey asshole, if you want to be the grammar police, it helps to know what the fuck you're talking about.

Just because James Taranto's "male sexuality" apparently involves sexual assaults doesn't mean he should assume all men have the same sexual assault urges that he does.

Which one of these constitutes a "War on Men"?

1. James Taranto on one side of the table.

I just found this one today, and didn't think I'd have a chance to use it so quickly.

What is...what? What??

Fuck this guy and his rape apologia. "War on Men"? How about we start talking about raping and/or sexually assaulting someone does not make you a man.

I woke up this morning with a vocal internal refrain of "RAPE IS NOT ABOUT SEX. RAPE IS NOT ABOUT PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVENESS. RAPE IS NOT ABOUT HORMONES. RAPE IS ABOUT POWER" and then I wondered if I would have an opportunity to use it today. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I did. Another day, another dickhead.

"Lt. Gen. Susan Helms is a pioneering woman who finds her career stalled because
of a war on men—a political campaign against sexual assault in the military that
shows signs of becoming an effort to criminalize male sexuality."

This whole men-can't-help-themselves mentality is not only dangerous to women but ridiculously offensive to men! To think that we're not evolving out of the men-only-think-with-the-wrong-head sitcom bullshit is really depressing, especially considering these are the same idiots that think women are overstepping their

"I don’t think anybody says we’re no longer free because we have checkpoints at airports."

ahem, Mr President. I do.

The sunglasses on the laptop was a nice touch lol.