Heather Simon

Steve King is the worst person I've ever met. I grew up in what is now his district and I am ashamed that he represents my family and friends still out there in NW Iowa.

Thank you for that cautionary tale as I head out to happy hour! oh gads, the laughter tears.

It's definitely distasteful, but people with mental health problems (again, I'm not saying that I know if she does or she doesn't; that's just the vibe I have) do distasteful things, usually more frequently. And even if she is just a spoiled brat entirely at fault for her own downfall, I still don't understand the

I was just going to comment on that! And the nail color too- fabulous!

"ever in search of new ways to make me gag on camera"

I want someone to pre-taste Pharrell's Qream for me. That sounds so much dirtier than it should.

There aren't enough ladies with liquors. Can we get a Mariah Carey marshmallow-flavored vodka please? Or at least some Helen Mirren peach schnapps or something?

Okay, this needs to be done again. But with different strains of marijuana that celebrities use.

Not at all related but gosh darn, your lipstick is fantastic!

"Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo Tequila"

With the polished hardwood floor and the basketball, it kinda appears that Lindy lives on a basketball court.

Yea for a fellow Iowan!

Hey now, it is my state right (being a Washingtonian) to be able to enjoy cannabis and marry a lady if I so choose. NO RACISM HERE, NO SIREE.

I don't know her exact situation, but I know that I've dealt with my share of mental health issues, and I was (and still am, occasionally) a right asshole a lot of the time. Add in her fucked-up upbringing, constant access to social media and ridiculous media harassment, and yeah, I probably would have had a pretty

Did you miss the whole "every study that has ever been conducted aimed at trying to uncover voter fraud has come up empty" thing? Voter fraud isn't really a thing — and in weighing it against the potential of bullshit laws like these to actually stop people from voting who should be allowed to, it is found wanting.

Thing is, there is almost no one to prosecute. Individual voter fraud is so rare that it's hard to find examples.

Its not that Arizona's lawmakers don't know that Federal Law trumps State Law. It's that they truly don't care and want to be the 'maverick' state that tests the system at every turn.

Oh look, another thing the Feds should take over from states in its entirety: voting.

I will never be approved for groupthink, either. We should start our own exclusive blog, with blackjack... and hookers!

Every other article about Amanda Bynes has had 1-5 comments saying the exact same thing over and over and over again.
It's not original, and it's not helpful. At this point, it's probably trolling to keep throwing it out there. Especially when she's showing some pretty classic signs of mental issues/illness.