Heather Simon

Sounds like:

Please stop. This woman is not a celebrity any more, and she is very clearly having some sort of mental breakdown. She does not need Jezebel (or anyone else) documenting her increasingly bizarre behaviour for the salivating and self-righteous masses.

Let's flip this - what if Bynes clearly had an eating disorder?

You have to be approved to do so. If you click on the pencil and go down to "publish on" it should give you the option if have have been approved to post on groupthink. If you aren't, you'll only have the option to post it to your own blog.

Was this post designed to get Amanda to call Jez ugly? Otherwise, I don't see the point in antagonizing someone who clearly has a mental health issue.

Sorry to be this person, but does anyone know how to post on groupthink? I thought I posted something but it seems to have gone into Jezebel outer space...

Whatever is going on with Amanda Bynes is sad, and I urge the writers on this website to stop covering it. It's increasingly uncomfortable to see these articles.

Seriously. I just feel bad for the girl. I cringe when I see her name on the front page here.

So much time and effort into documenting what is OBVIOUSLY a mental collapse. STOP IT JEZEBEL STOP IT. As a site with legitimate articles written beautifully about tough feminist related topics this kind of garbage makes you look HORRIBLE. Stop contributing to this culture of ridicule towards the mentally unwell it

I need a fucking Xanax after reading this. Christ.

Yeah, I just don't feel comfortable watching someone's life and psyche completely fall apart, much less making light of it.

If they can't get Adderall anymore, they'll just use other amphetamines. I was in college (briefly) before Adderall et al. were available and people just snorted speed to stay awake for all-nighters. Or bought pills from truckers at highway rest stops.

I feel like pairing a $20,000 ring with a $39 suit. Her influence is awe-inspiring!

College students are nothing but machines for turning adderall into term papers.

But all wimmens are alike! And think alike, because of periods. Why, I feel like giving up my right to vote as we speak just listening to my fellow uterus-haver.

As an advocate I just ... don't have the words. Fuck you, you abusive dick.

Just like this adorable, playful moment where he literally covered his wife's mouth to keep her from talking. I hope Nigella and her children stay safe far away from this abusive asshole.

So, there are people who hate women so much, they're willing to blow themselves up over it. How does that make someone feel?

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Yes. Social Fixer and Adblock are musts for FB!

For anyone that doesn't have it already, stop what you're doing and go install Social Fixer. It used to be called Better Facebook for good reason. It lets you customize the entire facebook experience.