Heather Simon

Whenever someone mentions a 'joystick', I usually go straight to the fighting styled ones.

Woah I'm intrigued! I've never heard of or seen one before. Can you get it at any regular drugstore? I want!

That's true, and morons shouldn't get a pass for being extra-moronic to a particular group.

The women denied abortions were compared to women who had "near limit" abortions. Meaning there was often a disparity in time of just a few weeks. The "lack of foresight" argument is unfair and further stigmatizes abortion-seekers.

To be fair to the morons who do use voice chat, I'm a guy, and unless I'm in a party with people I know, I wouldn't go on there either.

Pretty much.

Dust was a fantastic game, and Fidget is my favorite sidekick character in recent memory.

I finished the new Tomb Raider game last weekend. They've given Lara a MUCH more realistic body while retaining her badassery. To be honest, the storyline isn't anything new and exciting, but the gameplay is really fun.

The problem with Skyrim and it's ilk is that they are INSANELY huge and complicated games to make. It took 5 years to develop Skyrim.

There already are pink cupcake games.

What IS it??!

I've seen females who have trended more towards Diablo and Guild Wars 2 because the females are more... heavy hitters, and bad asses in general. I mean, walk around the norn starting area in guild wars, and you hear females (NPCs! Not playable pixels, the ones put in by the game!) saying things like "I told him this

What's great about Skyrim is that you pick your character completely — gender, appearance, race. The game is built around you and you pretty much interact with everyone the same no matter what race/gender you picked. There are a handful of incidents where this isn't the case, but otherwise Skyrim is presented as being

In fact, the creators of Dragon Age II, which sucked (which was tragic because Dragon Age: Origins was amazing) have pledged to make Dragon Age III more like Skyrim as a result of its success.

Right. So... maybe the point is that more games should be offered for a variety of people if a variety of people are consuming games?

Yup, I don't buy nearly as many games now since I'm just so tired of female characters that are about as deep as a cardboard cutout and only exist as eye candy and to be a foil for the male character(s). Now, if a developer came out with strong female characters and did away with insane sexualization unless it somehow

I spend a truly unreasonable amount of time playing and talking about video games at the expense of other life pursuits. I squander my youth so you don't have to!

The only time anyone ever knows I'm a woman is when I play with my husband and a couple of his friends. And I can count on one hand the number of times the two of us have played together since our daughter was born. It's pretty impossible/irresponsible for both parents to have headsets on with a young kiddo in the

This is why I love Skyrim & Dragon Age. I can be female, pick what I look like, and then promptly throw a helmet and a thousand layers of armor on, yet I still know I'm a girl kicking ass. It's awesome to be able to play a game that doesn't make excuses like, "Oh, the story required a man."

I enjoy playing a few first-person shooters on PC. But I NEVER use the mic on my headset these days. It's honestly gotten worse in the last couple of years (at least for me). I'm just tired of it, you know? I'd rather be mute than listen to morons constantly telling me they're going to rape me, that I should send