Heather Simon

You easily could have played that off like it was intentional.

In high school, my nerd friends and I assigned cell-part names to the social groups at school...this was a good way to help us remember cell parts, but also to secretly discuss different groups of people...

<b>On the Pending Libyan Constitution:<b>

Number 10 made me laugh hard, because after saying daily affirmations, I would totally lean in and squeeze my nose pores. I have super oily skin, yo. Also, I feel like I am more of a proton instead of a nucleus.

Each time, I believe more and more that the "gay fish" episode of South Park wasn't a parody, it was a documentary.

Hello and welcome to Kotaku.

You heard the man!

My immediate thought on that was, that's funny, because "hot guy with ugly girlfriend" is the theme I assumed you were going for with your fake "sex tape" with James Deen.

I'd like to focus on him having shit for brains, but he doesn't have control over that either, does he?

There is a Kardashian of some sort on 4 out of the 5 of those covers, so I guess I'm just done with the world and will have to commit to a life of Kardashian Kommitment along with everyone else.

As long as tabloids keep getting mentioned here, I'm going to keep publishing this link.

OMG Louis Bullock you are the cutest. The expression on his face in that Superman costume is priceless.

Same thing here. Apparently, he'd worked up a speech but couldn't get through it and just asked me. In my post-coital haze, I had trouble believing what he'd just said.

They fixed it, it's gone in the console version.

Best. Fix. Ever.

Steam really has my number. They know I can't resist any game that goes on sale for 75% off — and then the mid-summer and mid-winter sales where you can get a whole dev's catalog for like $60-70? I am helpless before them!

I know more guys playing The Sims than I know girls playing it.

Maybe "games aimed at women" is a bad idea at the start then, and "games aimed at people" would work better?

Goddamn, every time I think I'm witty, somebody just comes and raises the bar.

Looks like the PS3 version will still drop crap for loot.