Heather Simon

Sadly, they pressed him further and he had to make up some bullshit about the "intimacy" of the story making a woman seem like a more natural choice. But his initial answer was basically, "why wouldn't I make a game with a female bi-racial character?"

They almost had to publish the game independently (until Capcom

To my knowledge, Bioware, Bethesda, and Blizzard (the three B's) are the only companies that do this regularly.

This whole thing is why I've been desperately invested in the financial success of Remember Me. The lead dev's initial answer to the question, "why make your protagonist a woman?" was basically, "why not?"

I kind of want to high five your dad.

This is the question, though: will men not play these games, or do they not get a chance to because developers just THINK they won't play these games? I tend to believe it's the latter — most guys I know (even the ones who aren't super great about gender equality issues) have no problem with the concept of a female

There's never a bad time to use this gif.

Nnng! That gets you right in the soft spot.

When I was in fourth grade, my class went on a whale-watching trip off the Southern California coast, not too far from where this video was taken. As we were leaving the dock, we passed a huge rock in the middle of the water where a bunch of sea lions were sunning themselves. Almost as if on cue, the biggest one stood

I want one! I promise to love it and feed it and walk it every day.

My impression of sea lions when watching at the zoo was always that they were just like dogs. This video does nothing to dispel that notion. He looks like a puppy with flippers!

You are not my mother! You are a scary snort!

He's scratching himself with that guy's leg hair! How did he not burst into flames of JOY?

That's pretty amazing!

This man has the superhuman powers of restraint.

lmao "Karena just don't"

Yea... you do realize that the risk in petting him is less his own psychological trauma and more the risk of getting bitten... right?

I'll take two!

this is actually the cutest freaking thing in the world and look at his little face. good grief.


The way the 'gaming community' has been treating #femfreq has been horrible forever. She's very brave.