Heather Simon

I'm not judging women who need more sex. (Some of my friends are nymphos! lol but true.)
I'm judging the articles that only talk about them as the norm.

Go girl!

I'm scheduled for my sexxing up session later today.

All the Corgi videos

Truthfully, I've gotten *REALLY* into the ID (Investigation Discovery) Channel...those reenactments in "Who the #%!* Did I Marry?!" and "Dates From Hell" can really absorb a gal till all hours of the night!

They have definitely changed the Red Wedding book to make Red Wedding show. You've been reading GRRM, and clearly you get the gist. I should have thought out that post more carefully though, and again I am sorry.

What Heather said, but can't you also distinguish tone from an article? Tracy was sending up all these studies that portend to know how to predict our libidos. Her ENTIRE POINT is that everyone is different.

Sadly, I actually have turned down sex because I was reading about maritime disasters. That shit is interesting, but mostly even for a horndog like me it's a little difficult to get in the mood after reading about how hundreds of people drowned and/or froze and/or were eaten by sharks.

Omggg! Another Civ fan? This game seriously sucks dry every spare moment I have away from my boyfriend. It's so bad he actually came over last night and upon seeing my kitchen, offered to do my dishes.

All for all of the above.

Fuck. I managed to avoid spoilers for a whole week and I'm only one episode behind now. Well played. Still can't imagine who.

Hell, as a man that's extraordinarily Italian from the waste down, as unpleasant as waxing is, I love the results. Momentary pain is better than constant itchyness.

Yea, but they give corticosteroids, like Predisone, for severe allergic reactions.

I was trying to think of something witty that you forgot but I got nothing right now... Wait... Let me tell you about Homestuck.

Busy playing Bejeweled Blitz.

i don't think the excuse of only being into group sex would be a scapegoat for anyone to get out of fucking.

You forgot "Watching reruns of Blackadder 2 whilst drinking a glass of Chateauneuf du Pape and spooning with your cat"

"Getting really into Russia."