Heather Simon

Wait, Game of Thrones is a reason *not* to engage your untapped reservoir of rampant lust? Huh, I guess women really are diverse.

Yeah, not new. Ten years ago in my early 20s in California, this was me and my ex. And I'm pretty sure it was old news back then too.

There's no particular reason it can't work. The problem is that the couples most likely to break up are also least likely to make it work. Mature break ups happen all the time, but immature ones happen an order of magnitude more often.

You gotta do you, but if you can't survive living with someone before marriage you probably can't survive living with them after marriage. Marriage is hard. I don't regret at all living with my husband beforehand.

Yeah I think those studies have been debunked, either that or what was once true isn't true anymore as more and more people cohabit before marriage. And at any rate there are so so SO many factors that make a marriage either succeed or fail.

Those studies you mention are easily explained: people who live together before marriage are often less religious, and more likely to view divorce as an option overall. It's entirely possible that many of those couples that didn't live together first are equally miserable, but don't think splitting up is an option.

Ugh. This is not just in New York, although I can actually see some of the logistics there. My grandmother, a very sweet and unassuming woman was highly amused by the people that moved into the big white house across the street. This was and still is largely the kind of town where you lock your doors when you remember

I think this is more about the NYT finding poor people problems sooo fascinating. There are plenty of people, hispters or not, who can't afford to just get up and go or find it really convenient to stay where they are because in New York it's even more so about location, location, location. I don't think this is NYers

I know New York is like the center of all things- but this has been happening for forever. I personally had to live in an apartment barely bigger than a studio with an ex for eight months. In NC! I know tons of people who have done it. Cohabitation is hard, and money doesn't grow on trees, break ups happen and not

I've been there and awkward doesn't begin to cover it. We had no furniture to speak of, so we wound up sharing the same bed, each of us in our own sleeping bag. It wasn't an irreplaceable apartment, I stayed because if I had left the ex would have been literally homeless, since he couldn't pay the rent by himself and

Tama Janowitz wrote a book of short stories about this phenomenon, Slaves of New York. In 1986.

When "booty call" means, "Hey, you on the couch... wanna fuck?"

I have "normal-sized" post -nursing droopy breasts. Like Heather, as soon as I am inside the door the bra is off immediately. The pain, regardless of the brand, is intense. Indeed, I have mastered the art of taking my bra off under any article of clothing. People are sometimes surprised to see me pull my bra out of

Oop! Look at that logical ass question. I'm dying to know how OP answers.

(The judge, not minority crimes)

If catching the rich kid pot smokers isn't important, why is catching the poor ones?

Corgi butt! So cute! OMG I want one so bad.

I blame videos like these that make me stay on youtube for hours, just watching cute videos of animals. I keep saying, "Just one more" or "THIS IS THE LAST ONE", alas those are lies...

Dat adorable!

To be fair, I think the whole thing smacks of mismanagement-funds and personnel. But looking at the whole thing, it sounds like the place was a pit otherwise.