Heather Simon

Don't you mean 'wooding' ;-) He should do a handstand, on top of the box of Franzia to show her his best assets, as she might be unfamiliar with his face. It will be like Cinderella, only with more buttholes and a serious lack of shoes.

I was blown away by the callousness and ignorance of his response! He can be partially forgiven for the original letter because it was a product of the times (although it's still inexcusable, and he blew a chance to be at the cutting edge of society, as you would expect a University to be). But the response letter is

"Sorry I offended you, I wanted your hus- I mean you not to waste money on booklearnin."

The A. stands for asshole

I'm amused by the story, but wouldn't it be easier to just knock on her door/print this story out and slide it under her door as he sure does not seem like the shy type! Makes me think it's just a(n awesomely hilarious made-up) bid for attention.

A secret place where you can hang out and dick around while on the clock? This isn't a man cave, it's the American Dream.

Do IPads have autocorrect? Either way- it's a weirdly perfect typo for the rest of that missed connection. I must admit, the "I'm Fiber" made me suspect the writer may have been this gentleman:

You're a champion, Heather Simon. I'm pretty sure you've personally brought more of my comments up from the grey than anyone else. :)

Sometimes I wish there was a level above simply "Fired"
Like, you're fired and have brought disgrace upon your family! Plus you have to watch a Vince Vaughn marathon 10 times in a row.

Being a grey just feels like screaming into the void, sometimes. Every time I venture out into real-comment-land, I end up huddled back at groupthink after.

Okay, yeah I'm not that unshallow.

That's a man cave? I'm a guy and I wouldn't want to spend 5 minutes in that shithole. Keep your caves clean FFS.

Pretty much. Though tbh, I always found it amusing to see the reactions of parents visiting their kids when they saw him strolling through the dorm naked.

He's obviously kind of creepy, but would it be more creepy if I answered the connection even if I'm not the girl? I'm slightly ashamed to say I was amused by his story.

Everyone seems to be taking it so seriously. I find everything about it hilarious. Without the typos, this guy might have been Mr. Perfect. I hope she joined him for a box of Franzia (which I love!)

I don't know. I'm not even sure how to become un-greyed. So I just keep on keepin' on. Making awesome comments and generally being cool. Someday, someday I will be in the black

Any decent man cave sports a few Ansel Adams prints. Everyone knows that.

Thank fuck I missed the valve on the way down - else my tallywhacker would have been pining for the fjords...

I can only imagine his wood was feeling extra fibrous that morning.

He had me until the CCR and Franzia.