Heather Simon

well, seeing as she outranks the Mr. Grabbyhands that she's replacing, just point at them and laugh.

I'm waiting for it to turn out that she is some sort of sexual predator too, with the Air Forces record of picking people for this position.

Depressingly, every headline I can find about this mentions that she's two-star, which of course means the narrative from the right will be RARGLE BLARGLE 'FFIRMATIVE ACKSHUN. I know it's not going to benefit them in the long run to continually open their mouths on the subject of sexual assault, but it's hard to see

So sinister and yet so naive.

She tries to poison the President AND she thinks he opens his own mail.

Wonder if she thinks he also answers the White House phones . . . .

Really? its illigal to look at my own dick when im not 18+?

US Dept. of Labor. That's the stat you should use.…

And saying that reports range from "Men are paid substantially more" to "Men are paid a lot more" doesn't negate the fact that, on the whole, men are paid more than women.

My entire extended family is stocked with lifelong educators from kindergarden up to institutional president. Teaching is the most complicated, challenging, under-appreciated and difficult job you can have. Landing the Mars Rover is a walk in the park compared to trying to form competent citizens from the unwashed,

"Speaking from a cold, just the facts, perspective, why would ANYONE ever hire a man if women were a 1-for-1 capable employee that could be paid less?"

Yes, because misogynists are completely logical. Here's a tip: the people who are willing to explicitly pay women less than men are the kind of people who don't want a

"Speaking from a cold, just the facts, perspective, why would ANYONE ever hire a man if women were a 1-for-1 capable employee that could be paid less?"

Not just getting fired, but then never getting hired again. Whistle-blowers don't really have a big change at getting hired again.

If it were a single isolated incident, in which no one else knew anything about, sure, that's a fair flag. But the article cites other sources saying how comparable the two were in experience/skills, as well as the prevalent comments being made about hiring women because they pay them less.

Maybe because they can't afford to not have a job? Most people aren't going to risk losing their paycheck unless they have another opportunity lined up.

Without trying to sound too accusatory, you're getting pretty deep into victim-blamey territory. Being the one to stand up to a bully is pretty fucking hard sometimes, and ultimately, the person who is squarely to blame for the situation is the bully themselves. To make an unfair analogy, you don't see anyone blaming

They teach "inclination to sue" to budding cost accountants in business school. I guarantee you that if someone got hired with a past history of creating labor problems for previous employers, and the company got sued by that same person, it'd be the cost accountant's ass.

Which sucks, but when it's your job to

I know a couple women who work there. They're much more than competent. Even compared to their male co-workers.

not everyone is in a position to just quit and find a new job. especially since gaming studios are spread out all across the country. if they don't have a shipped game on their resume, they're not going to get any attention from other studios. some of these people have families to take care of, not just themselves and

There is, but it's really hard to prove that a company fires someone out of unfair reasons. The company can just blame on needing to cut personel or that the employe lacked in in preformance, or pretty much anything really.

Filing a lawsuit like that could ruin the reputation of the woman who files it. Other companies are wouldn't want to hire her, wary of her "inclination to sue."

My fiance Reported her manager to the DM about him stealing from the company and she got laid off.

Yes, my sentiments exactly. I'm happy that Kotaku is exposing this kind of thing. The world doesn't have room for assholes like that manager anymore, so here's hoping that having the public eye on the situation gets him tossed out on his ass.