Heather Simon

Me three. ((hugs))

She did a dirt bag, and it was super sloppy, and she tweeted it.

Hahaha seriously, this wasn't even one of my more eloquent responses to something but we owe our afternoon giggles to PatriarchyForever or whoever this dude is.

This is from the same guy who said white men have more "class" than black men, and any woman who is smart, including women of color, date white men because they are far superior.

The world is done with you and that terrifies you.

just trolling the troll for laughs, there's some trolling that's questionable and offensive but this is so over the top I just can't.

"The fact is, not everyone is suitable for what you call basic human rights."

"Oh, that's a mechanical injury from your bra."

This is the best troll thread I've ever seen, and I want to thank you for making it possible. I needed a good laugh today.

And seriously, who hurt you? Your dad? Your uncle? Your brother? It's ok. You don't have to be afraid anymore. You don't have to reinforce the power structure that has abused you. It's time to let go and be strong!

I see. If you've ever known any people of color they were just like you, weren't they? So you think people of color are misogynists and homophobes because you are. You sit down and bitch about how the broads and gays and blacks are ruining everything. You don't ask questions and you have no interest in other

It ain't easy being white.

We're making progress, too, really, when you step back and look at context. The earth is billions of years old. Less than 200 years ago black people were slaves. The Civil Rights Act was less than 50 years ago. Now? We have a black President who supports marriage equality and women's rights.

Of course, don't take that

I think you've captured it beautifully. My spouse will be very confused next time we visit my in-laws and I randomly shout 'Roach, near the food! Kill it!"

Goddamnit. This is like dinner at my aunt Stella's house. There will be a roach on the table, but no one fucking acknowledges it because Stella is sweet, but kind of out there.

PatriarchyForever is the trolliest troll that ever trolled. The end.

Oh, everyone thinks s/he's a troll, sometimes it's fun to bat them around a bit to see just how far s/he'll take it.

I didn't say I wouldn't reply. I said I wouldn't answer your questions until you answer mine.

If you want people to agree with your arguments, you need to provide evidence. This isn't trolling. I am demanding you be intellectually honest. If you are not interested in supporting your claims with evidence, then you're

Do you have evidence that rape is an inherent racial trait? Is there scientific proof that a black rapist's decision to rape is not a conscious choice, but rather a symptom of his race?

And why would the failures of Sweden suggest that all efforts to end misogyny/racism/homophobia/inequality are the "wrong" choice?


Um, it's pretty obvious that they were the best days.