Heather Simon

Hell yes. She comes off like a total troll and I can't for the life of me understand why she is everywhere.

Oh God, is she the GMO loving shill? She is barely competent enough to maintain a personal LiveJournal. Really mystified as to where she came from, and why she is getting paid to write by anyone.

ugh Meagan isn't snarly, she's just a bad writer. I felt like I was reading the thoughts and text of a 14 year old. Abundant use of the word "stuff" to describe things she was too lazy to state. A lot of "hella"s dropped in to sound hip and in the know. Dramatic antics with black and white thinking. Yeah, she's

As I look around the Jez-ish internet at related comments tonight, I see multiple people posting that they have been banned, deleted, or suddenly grayed for no particular reason. Either Jez has stumbled over a hideous technological glitch that is fucking over its commenters, or they are intentionally trying to drive

as you are now 'not a feminist site', I'm curious about if that means that you no longer believe that men and women should have equal rights? Y'know, the definition of feminism?

Something weird happened to me today too. So my posts on Jezebel always post grey, needing to be promoted, but on Gawker I used to post black right away and were always near the top of the page, even when they hadn't been promoted. But today, all my comments posted gray and when I went back to the articles to see

THANK YOU for posting this. I don't know what the heck is up. I was given non-gray status pretty quickly after I started posting on the site and then last week, for no apparent reason (and none I can think of), I was suddenly banished back to the gray. I don't understand it at all since I am a hardcore feminist and

The only people who I've read saying Jez isn't feminist are people who are upset about some topic in the blog or threads. I still consider it a feminist site, though some of the trends mentioned here have bothered me: body-snarking (definitely out the window), mean-spirited comments, and me being all grey all the

I completely agree with you, and all the other posters on this thread.

I am with BKBXDC on this one. Back in the day I would have made Amanda look positively normal (what with my self-loathing, dating-dangerous men who assaulted/abused me, heavy alcohol consumption - often whilst being on anti-depressants - culminating with spectacular events like living in my parents mold-ridden

I also support the message sent here. I think of Jezebel as this amazing please to empower all people, but especially women. I do not think attacking celebrity women in this manner does much for promoting womanhood.

I agree. Lately, these stories ... ugh. It's not okay to use the mentally ill as fodder for your humor.

Pretty much sames. There are a couple of writers that make me audibly groan just to look at their name/ picture. If you find a better site pleeaaase message me :)

Dude. I agree. At this point I only want to read Lindy and Dodai. I've been trying but I'm starting to be be really over most of it.

How long does it take to come out of the gray? I tried to find out but I think the FAQ I found was old.
I think there needs to be a better system for getting active, non-troll commentors our of the gray, or at least a clear process of becoming a non-gray user.
I also agree that some here are rather snarky when it comes

"During the campaign, we had two strippers come to my house at 1 o’clock in the morning. Me and my wife both got up to address the situation."

Yeah - I saw it disappear and call bullshit. You shouldn't be removed just for expressing a contrary opinion.

If he didn't wear his name on his shirt, perhaps he'd be better at being an anonymous john instead of having all the strippers in Alabama know his name.

Really? There was a time when, at my house, we'd call that "Thursday."

LOL! If I was married, and I had to get up in the middle of the night to help my husband address a "stripper situation," there's a good chance his status as my husband would be threatened.